On September 5, a lecture by Sabine Boegli, Professor at Durham University, Great Britain, was held as part of the regular scientific seminar of A professor from the UK gave a lecture at the mathematical seminar of the SFedU Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center. The seminar was led by Professors A.N. Karapetyants and V.V. Kravchenko.
Sabine Boegli is a Ph.D., PhD, Professor of Mathematics at Durham University, United Kingdom. In 2024, Professor Boegli was awarded the Whitehead Prize (the annual prize of the London Mathematical Society, awarded to mathematicians working in the UK) for her work on Schrodinger equations, equations that are fundamental in modern physics, since they can be used to describe the temporal evolution of quantum mechanical systems such as molecules and atoms. Professor Boegli is the author of more than 20 scientific publications. Her research interests include linear differential equations and the spectral theory of non-self-adjoint linear operators.
On September 5, Professor Boegli gave a lecture on discrete eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators with complex potentials at the seminar of the Russian Federal Research University. She presented constructions of Schrodinger operators with complex-valued potentials, the spectra of which exhibit interesting properties: for example, discrete eigenvalues do not necessarily have to be modulo bounded by the potential norm (which is a counterexample to the Laptev-Safronov hypothesis), and another example proves the optimality (in a sense) of generalizations of the Lieb-Thirring inequalities to the non-self-adjoint case thereby giving us information about the rate of accumulation of discrete eigenvalues up to a substantial spectrum.
The seminar "Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics" was attended by more than thirty mathematicians - specialists from leading scientific and educational centers of the world in Russia and other countries, including graduate students and students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Southern Federal University and young scientists.
Online scientific seminar of the Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center (https://rmc.sfedu.ru /) it is held regularly every two weeks, announcements of new seminars and videos of previous seminars are available on the website http://msrn.sfedu.ru/sl . The seminar is attended by leading researchers from around the world whose research interests are related to analysis, differential equations and mathematical physics. The scientific seminar of the mathematical center is open, and everyone can take part in it.
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