Southern Federal University | Press center: A professor from Taiwan gave a lecture at the mathematical seminar of the Russian National Research University

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A professor from Taiwan gave a lecture at the mathematical seminar of the Russian National Research University


On July 11, a lecture by Erdal Karapinar, Professor at the Chinese Medical University, Taiwan, was held as part of the regular scientific seminar of the RSEMC SFedU. The seminar was led by Professors A.N. Karapetyants and V.V. Kravchenko.

Erdal Karapinar is a Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Medical Research at the Chinese Medical University, Taiwan. He received a Ph.D. in functional analysis from the Middle East Technical University (METU) under the supervision of Professor Vyacheslav Pavlovich Zakharyuta (Sabanci University), Professor Murat Yurdakul (METU). It is noteworthy that his supervisor was V.P. Zakharyuta, a native of the Russian State University, who devoted a long time to work at Rostov University and made a number of significant discoveries at that time, for example, in the theory of pluripotentials.

Erdal Karapinar is the author of about 600 scientific publications, including one book, the lead researcher of the research group "Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications" (NAA), working on several topics on nonlinear analysis and its possible applications, in particular, the metric theory of fixed points, approximation theory, functional analysis, operator theory, topological-algebraic structures in functional analysis, differential equations, nonlinear boundary value problems, analytical approximate methods, etc.

On July 11, Professor Karapinar gave a lecture at the seminar of the Russian Scientific Research Center of the Southern Federal University on the study of recent publications in the theory of fixed points. After a brief overview of the history of the theory of metric fixed points, Professor Karapinar discussed his recent publication with specific examples.

The seminar "Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics" was attended by more than forty mathematicians - specialists from leading scientific and educational centers of the world in Russia and other countries, including graduate students and students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Southern Federal University and young scientists.

Online scientific seminar of the Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center ( /) it is held regularly every two weeks, announcements of new seminars and videos of previous seminars are available on the website . The seminar is attended by leading researchers from around the world whose research interests are related to analysis, differential equations and mathematical physics. The scientific seminar of the mathematical center is open, and everyone can take part in it.

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