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100th anniversary of Turkish-Russian diplomatic relations


June 3 marked the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Turkey. In honor of this anniversary, Inna Shevchenko, co-chair of the Committee on education and science of the Russian-Turkish Public Forum (RTFO), rector of Southern Federal University (SFedU), Doctor of Economics, sent a video congratulation.

In the video message, Inna Shevchenko noted that this year we are celebrating an important date – the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Turkey.

“It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this event. It shows a rich history of good neighborliness and interaction between our states, peoples and our universities. One of the most important areas of such bilateral cooperation is science and education, its enormous potential is being realized today, including in a multilateral substantive format through the Russian-Turkish Public Forum. Congratulations to all of us on this wonderful date. Of course, the global pandemic has adjusted the implementation of activities in this anniversary year. But despite the difficulties and challenges, today it is necessary to continue cooperation and find opportunities to strengthen partnerships, expand the joint work of trust and mutual understanding”, Inna Shevchenko said.

In honor of this anniversary, the co-chair of the Committee on education and science of the Russian-Turkish Public Forum, the rector of Ankara University, Erkan İbiş sent his video congratulations.

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