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SFedU supported seven laboratories within the framework of the federal program "Priority 2030"


The results of the second wave of the laboratory competition within the framework of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority 2030", which aims to support promising teams and topics, have been summed up at the Southern Federal University.

It was decided to support seven laboratories: three of them, successfully operating since 2023, participated in the competition for the lot "development of existing laboratories", and four others claimed victory within the framework of various lots of research laboratories.

Among the new laboratories being created:

– Research Laboratory of Functional Film Polymer Materials and their Technologies – Project manager Anastasia Penkova (Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University). As part of the project, a laboratory will be created that develops technologies for creating polymer materials, including thin-film materials and composites based on them, for high-performance membranes, packaging materials with increased shelf life of food products and thin-film X-ray resists for microelectronics, which will solve a number of tasks of the Strategy of Scientific and technological Development of the Russian Federation.

–Research Laboratory-Candidate for strategic projects "Technologies for the synthesis of catalytically active materials" – project manager Guterman Vladimir Efimovich (Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Southern Federal University). The creation of the laboratory is aimed at developing a new approach to the control of the microstructure of nanostructured platinum-containing catalysts in the production process and the management of their functional characteristics. The aim of the project is to develop laboratory synthesis technologies that can be scaled and create on their basis a new generation of highly active anode and cathode platinum-containing catalysts, respectively, for electrolyzers and fuel cells with a proton exchange membrane.

– Research Laboratory for the development of advanced technologies "Neurotechnology of perception and recognition" – project manager Kosenko Pyotr O. (PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Genetics, leading researcher at the research laboratory "Synaptic Biology"). The main goal of the project is to ensure the defense and security of the Russian Federation by developing, modernizing and implementing biohybrid systems (BGS) for detecting target substances in the air (including prohibited and (or) dangerous ones), functioning on the basis of the analysis of the bioelectric activity of the olfactory analyzer of rats using artificial intelligence methods.

–Research Laboratory for the development of promising technologies for short–term seismic forecasting (created on the basis of an existing youth laboratory) - project manager Danila Viktorovich Chebrov (Ph.D., Director of the KF FITC USGS RAS and Chairman of the Kamchatka branch of the Russian Expert Council on Earthquake Prediction, Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment). The aim of the project is to develop and apply artificial intelligence and big data methods to solve the problems of analyzing and predicting seismic events based on the analysis of bioelectric activity recorded in laboratory animals, as well as monitoring a complex of geophysical, geochemical, geodetic and electromagnetic data in seismically active regions.

The laboratories received additional support for further development:

–"Laboratory of microfluidic technologies for accelerated synthesis of materials" – project manager Guda Alexander Alexandrovich (PhD, Associate Professor at the International Research Institute of Intelligent Materials). A fully automated compact laboratory microfluidic system with the possibility of diagnostics, ultrasound and microwave exposure to synthesized material using deep machine learning technologies will be created within the laboratory. Project support within the framework of the lot "development of existing laboratories" will help to develop and implement a software package for remote centralized control of equipment.

– Youth Laboratory "Neurointerfaces" – Dmitry Grigoryevich Shaposhnikov, project manager (Ph.D., Head of the Scientific laboratory of Neurotechnology, Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics and Biocybernetics). The main task of the laboratory is to provide professional training for highly qualified specialists who are able to conduct independent research and successfully integrate into strategic projects of the Southern Federal University. The scientific direction of the laboratory includes the research and development of non-invasive intelligent health monitoring systems and brain-computer interfaces that ensure effective human interaction with technical devices.

–Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Microbial Consortia – project manager Evgeniya V. Pozdnova (PhD, Head of the scientific laboratory "Molecular Genetics of Microbial Consortia", senior researcher at the laboratory "Soil Health"). For the first time, the laboratory will be able to isolate many previously uncultivated strains of microorganisms for their further use in biotechnology. Among the key tasks is the development of an innovative nutrient medium/line of media for the cultivation of new microorganisms that have not previously been isolated from the soil; development of a new method for cultivating microbial communities (consortia) to increase biodiversity; testing of developed methods and media on soils of Southern Russia; assessment of the ecological role of microbial consortia using artificial intelligence based on metagenomic data.

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