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SFedU became the first university in Russia to implement an experimental course on the development of thinking


30 students of the Southern Federal University were selected to become students of the course "Methodology and technologies of thinking" from the team of teachers of the federal project "Clubs of thinking" and SFedU.

The course "Methodology and Technologies of Thinking" is an educational experiment: the first official course launched at a Russian university, combining formal academic and informal practices of thinking development. The course was developed on the initiative of the SFedU with the participation of experts and school leaders of the "Clubs of Thought" project of the ANO "University 2035".

During the first lesson, Maxim Bondarev, Vice—rector of SFedU for project activities, said that a research university is primarily a platform for the development of thinking. A student of the 21st century should not only strive to become a professional in the subject area or areas corresponding to his field of study, but also possess the technology of thinking – be able to critically analyze information, take and argue his position, participate in complex communication, offer and justify solutions for both universal "problems of being" and urgent problems of modern society.

By the end of the semester, students will work with cognitive traps and stereotypes, process large flows of information, find solutions to paradoxical problems, argue their judgments, work in collective and individual formats, and in June they will confirm their competencies at the Marathon of Thinking team competitions to solve complex practical problems of industry, business and regional development using tools thinking.

Seven educational modules with a total labor intensity of 72 hours for SFedU students will be implemented by a team of 10 SFedU teachers and six external experts. The team is headed by Andrey Siling, Executive Director of the ANO Platform of the National Technology Initiative, leader of the Clubs of Thought project.

He said that the format offered by the "Thinking Clubs" is essentially practical philosophy classes. Not the study of an academic course in the theory and history of philosophy, but practice-oriented exercises that allow you to feel intellectually adequate to the world and the era.

"Today, within the framework of the project, we have about 40 thinking clubs working all over Russia: in cities, universities, "Boiling Points". But SFedU became the first university to take the initiative to integrate our methods and approaches and its own educational process. Many universities in the country are following this experiment today, and if our experience is recognized as successful, we will be ready to scale it to other universities," Andrei Siling stressed.

The first lecture "Introduction to Thinking" was held at the SFedU by Vyacheslav Moiseev, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Philosophy at MGMSU, and Andrey Siling. The next lesson on the topic "Integral model in thinking" was conducted by Maxim Osovsky, the developer of the "schematization" method.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the SFedU, head of the REC "Promising Solutions in Education" and leader of the SFedU Thinking Club Alexey Lozovoy said that in the next academic year, even more people will be able to apply, qualify and become a student of the course "Methodology and Technologies of Thinking" in the format of an elective core of the SFedU educational program the number of university students.

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