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SFedU scientists have identified a new plant species in the Rostov region


During the preparation of the new edition of the Red Book of the Rostov Region, botanists of the Southern Federal University discovered a groundcover plant from the Red Book of the Russian Federation in the Neklinovsky district.

Employees of the Department of Botany of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology of the Southern Federal University have identified a new species for the flora of the Rostov region – the headworm (Paronychia cephalotes (M. Bieb.) Bess.)

Associate Professor of the Department of Botany, head of the project "Maintaining the Red Book of the Rostov region" Olga Ermolaeva said that this species had never been cited for the flora of the Rostov region before.

Scientists have discovered the covers of a plant new to the region as part of thyme and petrophytic vegetation of the Neklinovsky district of RO.

The third edition of the Red Book of the Rostov region is already in print, therefore, the head-shaped printer will not get into it, it will be included in the fourth edition, which will have to be released before 2034.


The Red Book is the main normative document that summarizes materials on the current state of rare and endangered species of plants and fungi, on the basis of which scientific and practical measures aimed at their protection, reproduction and rational use are being developed.

Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right and obligation to form its own list – the regional Red Book. This is done because any biological species consists of functional units – populations, and within the boundaries of its range can include both numerous and extremely small populations.

Functionally, the Red Book is an order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, adopted in accordance with the established procedure and registered with the Ministry of Justice. Such a regulation order should be updated once every 10 years. The Federal Red Book (animals) was "updated" in 2020, and the volume (plants and fungi) is currently being prepared. The Red Book of the Rostov region will do this in 2024.

The first part of the RR Red Book devoted to animals will increase by 40 points. There were 217 species of animals in the Red Book of the Rostov region in 2014, the new edition includes 254 species: 16 species were excluded from the lists, 53 were added.

The second part, devoted to plants and fungi, will decrease by 12 points compared to 2014 — from 273 to 261 species. 25 new species will be added to the list of protected species. 37 species whose populations in the region are no longer under threat or have lost their independence due to nomenclature changes will be excluded.

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