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SFedU celebrates Chinese Language Day


Chinese Language Day is celebrated on April 20. Southern Federal University has partnerships with scientific and educational centers in China.

Thus, based on the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of the SFedU, a program is being implemented to prepare Chinese students for admission to Russian universities.

As part of the agreements reached, two centers were opened: the Russian Language and Cultural and Educational Center (in China) and the Chinese-Russian Center for Education and Culture of the Southern Federal University (RF).

Students from China have the opportunity to learn the Russian language, join Russian traditions and culture at master classes, creative meetings and webinars, and later successfully enroll in the SFedU or other Russian universities.

The partners of the program are: Gushin High School of the Yunhe Senior Level of Henan Province, the Center for Eurasian Humanitarian Cooperation "ONE WAY",

Shandong Huade Secondary Vocational School, Naruhito International Cultural Community, Southern Federal University.

It is worth noting that Chinese students have been showing a keen interest in the Russian language for many years. Everyone can start learning Chinese at SFedU.

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