Irina Anatolievna Charykova
Senior lecturer
Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication
Research interests:
Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, media linguistics, communication studies, linguistic and cultural studies.
Research projects:
Participant of the International Scientific Conference "Russia and Greece: Language as a Means of Intercultural Communication". Participant of the International Scientific Forum "Network Communication: New Formats for Education, Science and Promotional Communications". Participant of the International Forum of Culture and Media Volunteers. Participant of the VI international intramural-correspondence conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War "Theoretical and practical problems of the development of modern humanitarian science."
Co-director of the student scientific society "Cultural and linguistic code: the face of interaction".
Organizer of the annual International Olympiad in Russian for foreign students.
Main works:
Charykova, I.A. Expression of anti-protest sentiments in everyday discourse (on the example of comments on the social network "Instagram") / I.A. Charykova/ Political Linguistics. — 2021. — N 3 (87). — Pp. 126-132. — DOI 10.26170/1999-2629_2021_03_12
Charykova, I.A. Communicative strategies and tactics in the discussion of Victory Day (on the example of the social network Instagram) / I.A. Charykova/ Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice of Philology. Theory & Practice ISSN 1997-2911 (print) 2021. Volume 14. Issue 11. pp. 3410-3414 | 2021. Volume 14. Issue 11. P. 3410-3414.
Charykova, I.A. Communicative strategies and tactics used by anti-vaccinators to discredit the COVID-19 vaccine/ I.A. Charykova/ Political Linguistics. — 2022. — N 1 (91). — Pp. 90-96. — DOI: 10.26170/1999-2629_2022_01_09.
Charykova, I.A. Crealized text in the era of special operations: communicative strategies and tactics (on the example of political and social banners of the South of Russia) / I.A. Charykova/ Political Linguistics. — 2021. — N 3.
Practical course of a foreign language
Audio-visual-speech course
Foreign language in professional communication
Business foreign language