Yury Vladimirovich Yukhanov
+7(863) 437-17-33
Southern Federal University
Head of the department
Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control
Senior researcher
Academy for Engineering and Technologies
Research projects:
Works supervisor:
1. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: "Experimental studies of the scattering properties of small air targets." Cipher "Vozmushcheniye-EI", c / d N11418. Customer JSC "Еngineering bureau "Svyaz", Rostov-on-Don. time period for doing the work: 2011
2. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: "The development of controlled frequency selective surfaces on the basis of switching diodes and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS),"Poverkhnost'-TTI" N11417, Customer JSC SEC "Zavod Leninets", Saint - Petersburg. Time period for doing the work: 15.04.2011 - 24.09.2012
3. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: "The measurement of patterns of navigation and landing antennas and HF antenna on a scale-model of the SU-35 at stand AFS", code "Model HP-35 KV", N 11419, Customer: Sukhoi Company (JSC), Moscow. Time period for doing the work: 15.07.2011 - 15.04.2012
4. Research work "Theoretical calculation of antenna characteristics, taking into account the influence of radio-absorbing material and constructive schemes of antenna KPA. Measurements of antenna pattern, taking into account the effect of Madio-absorbing material ", code" AFD-35 RPM. " N 11420, Customer: Sukhoi Company (JSC), Moscow. Time period for doing the work: 15.07.2011- 15.04.2012
5. Part of development work: "Development of techniques of electrodynamic modeling and calculation of ultra-wideband polarization irradiators and transmission-type polarizes for multibeam reflector antennas", code "Sakhalin - T", N 11421. Customer JSC "Vserossiyskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut «Gradiyent», Rostov-on-Don. Time period for doing the work: 1.12.2011 - 30.06.2012.
6. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: "The development of mathematical models of airborne antennas and components of the aircraft plane", code "Zebra - PAK - TTI", N36.01.01. Customer: Sukhoi Company (JSC), Moscow. Time period for doing the work: 2012
7. Part of development work: "The development of computational algorithms for wideband digital radio signals phase-time locators based on ultrawideband spaced antenna arrays", code "Rang-T", N36.01.02 / 38-14 / 2012-29. Customer JSC “Kaluzhskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut” (JSC “KNIRTI”), Zhukov. Time period for doing the work:1.07.2012 - 10.30.2014.
8. Part of development work: "The development of computational algorithms for wideband digital radio signals of adaptive digital systems of electromagnetic warfare", code "Reaktiv-T" N36.01.03/38-14/2012-30. Customer JSC “Kaluzhskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut” (JSC “KNIRTI”), Zhukov. time period for doing the work: 1.07.2012 - 10/30/2014.
9. Part of development work: "Development of a dual-polarization ultra-wideband radiators of active phased array antenna and structures based on them", code "Riv'era-T." Customer JSC “Kaluzhskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut” (JSC “KNIRTI”), Zhukov. time period for doing the work: 10/26/2013 - 10/26/2015
10. Grant DAAD "Leonhard-Euler-Program". Leaders: Yu.Yuhanov, Christian-Albrecht-Universitet, Kiel - P.Knёhel. Time period for doing the work: 01.09.2013- 07.31.2014
11. Grant DAAD "Leonhard-Euler-Program". Leaders: Yu.Yuhanov, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg - K. Schёnemann. Time period for doing the work: 01.09.2013 - 07.31.2014
12. Grant N8.2461.2014 / K "Development of ultra-wideband antennas and controlled radar reflectors" ( N 213.01-11 / 2014-70PCH). Customer: The Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Time period for doing the work: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2016
13. Grant of The Russian Ministry of Education and Science"Organization of Scientific Research";
14. Internal Grant SFU N213.01-24 / 2013-94 «Analysis and synthesis of electrodynamic structures with specified emission and scattering". Time period for doing the work: 2013
15. Part of development work N8075 «Research opportunities for active reducing backscattering diagrams in the meter range," code "Izvest" (Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company Sukhoi Design Bureau branch office(Moscow)). Time period for doing the work: 01.12.2014 - 15.08.2015;
16. Part of development work N7580 "Research on alternative constructions of AFS (communications, navigation)", code" Ryaska "(Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company Sukhoi Design Bureau branch office (Moscow)).Time period for doing the work: 12.01.2014 - 15.08.2015;
17. Scientific and technological work N213.01-14 / 2015-07 «Experimental study of radiation characteristics of radiators two-mirror antenna in C and Ka frequency bands" (Federal'noye Gosudarstvennoye Unitarnoye Predpriyatiye «ROSTOVSKIY-NA-DONU NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKIY INSTITUT RADIOSVYAZI», Rostov-on-Don),time period for doing the work: 03.01.2015 - 31.03.2015;
18. Scientific and technological work N301 * 213.01-14 / 2015-26 «Experimental study of radiation characteristics of two-mirror antenna C / Ka and Ka frequency bands with a reflector diameter of 1.8 m" (Federal'noye Gosudarstvennoye Unitarnoye Predpriyatiye «ROSTOVSKIY-NA-DONU NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKIY INSTITUT RADIOSVYAZI», Rostov-on-Don). Time period for doing the work: 03.08.2015 - 09.20.2015;
19. Development work N 301 * 213.01-14 / 2015-31 "Development of technology for the creation of Q-band transmitter with output power of 4 W and 50 W" (JSC "Interset', Moscow"). Time period for doing the work: 08.01.2015 - 30.11.2015;
20. DAAD grant for the joint training of undergraduates and graduate students under the program «LeonardEuler» with Professor K.Schyunemann (Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg) (time period for doing the work:October 10, 2014 to July 10, 2015).
Performer of the work:
1. Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)"The organization and holding of the International Scientific Conference "Radiation and scattering of electromagnetic waves (RSEMW - 2015) "(N15-02-20402 on 05.06.2015);
Electromagnetic fields and waves
Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems
Physics. Special sections