Associate Professor
Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts
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Degree: Candidate of Sciences
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Associate Professor
Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts
Degree: Candidate of Sciences
Research interests:
Degree: Ph.D.
Start date total experience: 01.09.2003
Experience in the specialty (in years): 01.09.2005
• Theory and history of arts education
The discipline is devoted to the history of development and formation of professional art education
• Methods of teaching fine arts disciplines
Discipline examines the methods, principles and fine art training facilities, and also the history of their development.
• Copying of works of easel painting
The discipline introduces students to the methods of work on a copy of a work of fine art, as well as methods of operation and the artistic techniques of the past
• Methods of training performances
The discipline is devoted to the methods of work with a full-scale material, namely a statement on training classes in painting, drawing and composition.
• Psychology of art.
The discipline devoted to the study of the psychological aspects of the creative process, introduces students to the works of famous psychologists and doctors on this issue.