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Yulija Sergeevna Nalbandyan (Nalbandjan) 

Associate Professor

Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Mathematics, History of Mathematics

Research projects:

  • Absolutely representing systems, functional spaces and description of dual spaces
  • History of the Rostov Mathematical School (from Warsaw Imperial University to Southern Federal University)
  • Biography of Dmitrij Dmitrievich Mordukhai-Boltovskoj


  • History of mathematics, History and methodology of applied mathematics and informatics, History of mathematical sciences
    This subjects are addressed to undergraduate and post-graduate students specializing in the field of Mathematical Sciences. The main purposes are: 1) to create representation about occurrence and development of the basic mathematical methods and theories; 2) to analyze features of development of mathematical sciences during the certain historical periods; 3) to estimate the contribution to the mathematics by great scientists of the past. The special attention is given to an establishment of communications between various fields of mathematics, the applied mathematics and computer science, and also training of students to work with the literature.
  • Higher Mathematics (Bachelor's Program "Social Science")
    Within the discipline the students get basic knowledge from such branches of mathematics as linear algebra, analytical geometry, mathematical analysis. Particular attention is paid to the application of acquired knowledge to solve optimization problems, including those related to the sociological studies.
  • Mathematics (Bachelor's Programs "Economics" and "Management")
    Within the discipline the students get basic knowledge from such branches of mathematics as mathematical analysis, linear algebra, probability theory. Particular attention is paid to the application of the theory to the solution of various economic problems.
  • Mathematics and Geodesy (Bachelor`s Programm "Architecture")
    This course includes the main questions such branches of mathematics as limit theory, differentiation and integration of a single variable function? linear algebra, vector algebra, analytical geometry. The training module "Geodesy" is read by another teacher.
  • Algebra and Mathematical Analysis (Bachelor`s Programm "Digital Linguistics")
    This course includes the main questions such branches of mathematics as mathematical analysis, linear algebra, algebra of polynomials, theory of linear and vector spaces and operators.