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Yuliya Borisovna Shchemeleva 

+7(861) 419-43-86

+7(928) 263-32-67

Associate Professor

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:


Kuban state technological University, graduate school

protection of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of technical Sciences, speciality 05.09.03 "Electrotechnical complexes and systems"

ADDITIONAL EDUCATION (courses, seminars, trainings, etc.)

Time passing


The name of the organization

September 1986 – may 1988.

Courses for the profession "computer Programmer" (certificate)

The training and production plant Leninsky district of Grozny, Grozny

November 1991 – December 1991.

Courses in the specialty "Accountant of the cooperative and small enterprise" (certificate)

The Chechen-Ingush ASSR. Republican production Association reference and information services "Cachingservice", Grozny

September 1999 – February 2000

Courses in the specialty "high school Teacher" (the diploma about additional higher education)

Kuban state University of technology, Department of further education, Krasnodar

October 2005 – July 2006

Courses "interior Design" (certificate)

European school education correspondent, Belgorod

October 2009 – February 2010

Courses on the program "technologies of distance learning" (certificate)

Kuban state University of technology, faculty training, Krasnodar

May 2012 – August 2012

Courses in the specialty "interior Design using the programs as ArchiCad, 3DS Max, Photoshop (certificate)

NOU Biznes Portal Yug", Krasnodar

November 2013 - February 2014

Training Quick start in 3D Max (certificate)

The project Y2M Educational Progect, Moscow

October 2014

The course "Bases of computer literacy"

The national open University "INTUIT"

October 2014

The course "Information technologies in enterprise management"

The national open University "INTUIT"

February 2015

The course "modern Testing in higher education"

The national open University "INTUIT"

Additional skills:

Knowledge of PC (name of program):

Professional: MS Office, Electronics Workbench, MathCad, Turbo Pascal, ArchiCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Muse, CorelDraw, Prezi

User: Html, 3D Max, VisSim, PageMaker, MicroCap, MathLab, Our Garden Rubin, MS Access