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Yuliya Nikolaevna Marakulina 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13077

Senior lecturer

Faculty of Management

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Research interests:

I am fond of the financial managment, the financial analysis and the cash flow managment. The scope of my interests also include the strategy and tactics of the managent of the organization. Also the valuation and increasing of the effective enterprise operation

Research projects:

1. Larionova YN The methods of the reducing of the transaction costs in the managing of receivables

2. Marakulina YN The impact of the transaction costs on the distribution of the cash flows of the enterprise
3. Marakulina YN The methods of the regulation of the cash flows taking into account of the impact of the transaction costs

4. YN Larionova The Implementation of ERP - systems as a method for reducing of the transaction costs in the management of the cash flows of the enterprise.

5. YN Larionova The methods for reducing of the transaction costs and the increasing of the efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise.

6. YN Larionova  The changes in the structure of the transaction costs in the financial crisis.


  • financial managment
    Financial Management means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise.
  • financial analysis
    Financial analysis is an aspect of the overall business finance function that involves examining historical data to gain information about the current and future financial health of a company.