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Yuri Borisovich Kakurin 

+7(863) 437-16-63

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Research interests:

Kakurin Yuri, born in 1982, is a Russian citizen. Graduated in 2004, physico-mathematical faculty of the Taganrog state pedagogical Institute with the award of the qualification "Teacher of physics and mathematics, specialty "Physics".

Сandidate of technical Sciences awarded by decision of the dissertation Council D 212.208.23 on specialty 05.27.01 – Solid state electronics, radioelectronic components, micro - and nanoelectronics, devices on quantum effects" at the Institute of Technology of southern Federal University (Taganrog on 27 August 2009). and approved by the higher attestation Commission dated 9.10.2009 (diploma of candidate of Sciences DTCs No. 093602).

Has 27 publications, including 20 scientific and 7 educational works used in teaching practice.

Since 2005 he supervises research work of students in the Department of physics. Under the leadership of Y. B. Kakurina SFU students have repeatedly won prizes (including the first) at conferences and competitions at various levels.

Since 2010 carried out the methodological guidance of the laboratory "Electricity and magnetism" at the Department of physics. The laboratory is designed to conduct educational process and scientific research by students of SFU.

Since 2011, Kakurin Y. B. performs duties of Deputy head of the physics Department of the INEP SFU  for scientific work.

In 2014, training in the Taganrog Institute named after A. P. Chekhov (РИНХ) 72 h.

Research projects:

Since 2005 he was a co-executor 3 research projects conducted at TSURE and TRTU on promising research areas of the project Ministry of education and science "Development of scientific potential of higher school" (2006-2008), internal project of TTI SFU.

Development of theoretical bases of forming of films of nanocomposite materials for sensors, study their properties and mechanisms of sensitivity (number of state registration 01201366541, hands. topics Professor of the Department HIE, d-R tekhn. Sciences, associate Professor L. P. Mileshko, 2013).


  • Physics
    The science of nature