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Yulia Alekseevna Shaposhnikova 

+7(863) 218-40-00

+7(863) 468-08-90

Associate Professor

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Research interests:

The purpose of the research is to study urban planning development in the Rostov region territory and elaboration of proposals on the main investment development directions. On the basis of analytical studies and comparative analysis of the socio-economic development of the individual parts belonging to the given area, there were generated scientifically sound methods of urban planning transformations and provided practical recommendations for sustainable development of the territory, management and improvement of the population's living standards.

Research projects:

List of design, scientific and educational works contains more than 130 names.

Research interests: Territorial and urban bases of development of the Rostov region and the cities of the South of Russia in the contemporary socio-economic conditions.

In 2013, she served as head of the research work in the framework of the Program of development of the Southern Federal University applied research topic: "The territorial and urban planning based on priority investment development of the Rostov region in the current socio-economic conditions".

Other scientific works: under her leadership, students conduct research and make presentations at seminars and conferences.

Author of more than 30 educational works and scientific publications.


  • Architectural project "Urban Village"
    The purpose of the discipline - formation of students' knowledge systems, skills and practical skills in the generation of urban planning urban village concept and mastery of the method of formation of architectural and spatial and compositional structure of the of environmental complex.
  • Architectural project "Planning of residential area and district buildings"
    The purpose of the discipline - formation of students the system of knowledge, abilities and skills in the development of architectural and planning organization of residential area and the architectural and spatial organization of the district to ensure the inclusion of the residential area in the structure of the city, all of the planning and residential district as well as the organization of the system of cultural and consumer services, landscaping, pedestrian traffic and transport, the best working conditions, welfare and recreation of the population and the mastery of the method of formation of architectural and spatial composition and structure of environmental data systems.
  • Architectural project "Residential group"
    The purpose of the discipline - formation of students' knowledge systems, skills and practical skills in the development of architectural and planning organization of residential groups, as well as the organization of cultural and community services system, landscaping, pedestrian traffic and transport, the best working conditions, welfare and recreation of the population and the mastery of technique formation of architectural and spatial and compositional structure of the residential group.
  • Architectural project "City on 200-250 ths. residents and community center"
    The purpose of the discipline - formation of students' knowledge systems, skills and practical skills in the development of architectural and planning organization of the city and the architectural and spatial organization of the center piece, ensuring a rational and functional architectural planning structure of the city, as well as the organization of the system of cultural and community services, landscaping , the movement of pedestrians and vehicles, the best working conditions, welfare and recreation of the population and the mastery of the method of formation of architectural and spatial composition and structure of environmental data systems.
  • Guidance of final qualifying works Bachelors and masters in urban planning topics
  • Theoretical Foundations of Urban Planning
    The purpose of the discipline - training bachelor, having a holistic vision of the processes of functioning and development of the human living environment.
  • Theoretical Foundations of Urban and Regional Planners
    The purpose of the discipline - the formation of the student's theoretical system of basic knowledge in the field of urban development, mastering the basics of composition and formation of the architectural design of the urban environment, the preparation of the bachelor, having a holistic vision of the processes of functioning and development of the human living environment.
  • Modern urban planning problems
    The purpose of the discipline - is the preparation of a master having a holistic vision of the functioning of processes and development of the human living environment. Learning discipline "Modern problems of urban development" aimed at finding in the field of theoretical and methodological foundations of competencies, principles and methods of creation of modern architectural and planning and compositional and spatial solutions, the formation of the space environment on the other hand - acquaints students with the trends of changes in values ​​and attitudes in field of professional consciousness, characteristic of the current state of the architectural and town-planning activity.