+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 15001
Head of the department
Faculty of Physics
- E-mail:
Degree: Doctor of Sciences
- Personal page in Russian:
- https://sfedu.ru/person/yalovega
- Personal page in English:
- https://sfedu.ru/en/person/yalovega

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+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 15001
Head of the department
Faculty of Physics
Degree: Doctor of Sciences
Research interests:
Experimental investigation by the methods of X-ray absorption (XAS), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation (BESSY-II (Berlin), DESY (Gamburg), LNF (Italy), Kurchatov Center (Moskow), Soleil (France), ESRF (France);
Advanced method of theoretical analysis of X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) to extract 3D (three dimensional) local atomic nanostructure at high resolution. Full multiple scattering XANES simulations (FEFF);
Advanced DFT quantum chemistry calculations including geometry optimization;
Non-muffin-tin Finite Difference method for XANES/EELS simulations (FDMNES);
Fields of interest:
Investigation of the composition, local atomic and electronic structure in various types ofcondensed matter including:
-free and supported clusters;
-liquid materials and amorphous alloy;
-various types of solids (advanced alloys, semiconductors, modern magnetic materials);
-biological materials with active metal centers;
-nanopartical, nanoclasters, nanotubes;
effects and properties under the study:
-local structure around active metal center in metalloproteins and complexes;
-electronic structure (density of states and fine details of hybridization of electronic states) of condensed materials;
-polarized XANES analysis;
Research projects:
Participation and leadership in grants:
2014-2016 Diagnosis of the composition, structure, morphology organometallic gas-absorbtion nanocomposites based on metal nanoparticles and physico-chemical mechanisms of their interaction with the gaseous medium (Project manager).
Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation under grant agreement N 11.2432.2014/K.
2014-2016 The development of electronic functional elements on the basis of metal-polymer composite nanomaterials Federal Program "Research and development on priority directions of scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020". N 14.575.21.0103.
2014-2016 Search for new mixed oxides containing 3d-elements in reduced and mixed oxidation states and their crystal structures, magnetic, electrical and redox properties. RFBR (Russia), 14-03-01122A.
2013 XAFS investigation of the nucleation and growth of Pt and Pt-Me (Me=Co, Ni) nanoparticles for fuel cells application". Project N CH-3813 (ESRF, France). (Project manager)
2013 In situ combined SAXS and XRD investigation of the nucleation and growth of Pt and Pt-Me (Me=Co, Ni) nanoparticles for fuel cells application». Project N 2013_1_121320. (Bessy, Berlin). (Project manager)
2012 In situ combined SAXS and XRD investigation of the nucleation and growth of Pt and Pt-Me (Me=Co, Ni) nanoparticles for fuel cells application». N CH-3570 (ESRF, France). (Project manager)
2012-2014 In-situ combined investigations of nanoparticles nucleation and growth processes of the platinum carbon supported electrocatalysts for low-temperatures fuel cells, RFBR (Russia), 12-08-01193-а.
2011-2013 Dynamics of nanoscale atomic and electronic structure of materials for hydrogen storage under "operando" conditions. Russian Federal Programme "Research and development within priority areas of Russia for 2007-2013" : 2011-2013, Soldatov A (SFedU)- Dmitriev V (SNBL ESRF).
2006-2008 3D local geometry and electronic structure of nanomaterials (AlN nanoparticles and nanotubes): x-ray absorption analysis, Ministry of Science and Education ( Russia ) RNP (2006-2008, Soldatov A V)
2005-2007 Nanoscale 3D geometry and electronic structure of advanced materials for spintronics: Ga-Mn-N, Ga-Mn-As and Ge-Mn-Co dilute magnetic semiconductors - synthesis of materials and x-ray absorption analysis, RFBR ( Russia ) –NSCF (China) 05-02-39016_a
2005-2006 Local geometry of active center in metalloproteins: x-ray absorption analysis RFBR ( Russia ) 05-04-49050 (Project manager)
2005 Electronic textbook "X-ray spectroscopy" Rostov State University
2005 Creation of virtual laboratory (Compton effect. Mozli`s law) for course of «Atomic physics». Rostov State University
2003-2006 X-Ray absorption spectroscopic studies of changes in the Ni environment of polymerization and epoxidation catalysts during turnover RFBR ( Russia) – NWO (Netherlands) 03-03-89010_NWO.
2004 Electronic textbook "Synchrotron radiation" Rostov State University
2004 Local and electronic structure of copper nanoclusters: analysis of x-ray absorption, President of Russian Federation grant MK-2048.2004.2 (Project manager)
2002-2004 Development of new methods for the study of local structure and its application for quantum nanostructures in heteroepitaxial systems All-Russian Programme "Integration" I0761 (2002-2004)
2002-2003 X-ray interaction with spin-polarized electronic structure of materials. RFBR (Russia) 02-02-17922.
2002-2004 Local and electronic structure of metal nanoclusters: analysis of x-ray absorption, Ministry of Science and Education (Russia) PD02-1.2-198 (Project manager)
2002 INTAS Fellowship grants for Young Scientists Fellowship Reference N YSF 2002-90. (Project manager)
1998-2000 Electronic subsystem and local structure free clusters: X-ray absorption analysis (theory and experiment), 98-02-04097- joint DFG(Germany)-RFBR (Russia) project.