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Vladimir Vladimirovich Bogdanov 

+7(938) 147-24-92


Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Social philosophy, philosophy of mind, forms of social consciousness (legal consciousness, social memory, social identity), the history of philosophy, ontology, epistemology, and interactive forms of learning, networking technology in the educational environment, the challenges of globalization, the research prospects of civil society in the era of globalization

Research projects:

1. The main performer grant the federal program - Analytical departmental target program "Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education" (2009-2010) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. RNP. project "Methodological and logical-semantic foundations of the study of social conflict and transitional periods in the development of modern Russian society." Project Supervisor - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor VV Popov.

2. The main performer grant the federal program - Analytical departmental target program "Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education" (2011) Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Project RNP.2.1.3 / 9223 "Methodological and logical-semantic foundations of the study of social conflict and transitional periods in the development of modern Russian society." Project Supervisor - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor VV Popov.


  • History and philosophy of science
    Postgraduate Course in preparation for the master's examination (history and philosophy of science - engineering science)