Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov
+7(928) 182-71-45
Associate Professor
Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control
Research interests:
Measurement; Control systems for Power electronics; Modern problems of higher education.
Research projects:
Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov
Addresses: E-mail: vvtereshkon@sfedu.ru.
Education: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov graduated from Kharkov Higher School of Military Command – Engineering with major in «Automated Control Systems», with qualification of «Engineer on Electronics».
Degree & Diplomas: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov is an Associate Professor and Candidate of Technical Science.
Professional experience: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov has been working as a teacher since 1981 till present time. Since 2000 till the present time, he has been working at the Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University .
Field of scientific research: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov works in the field of measuring technique, control devices in semiconductor transformers of electric energy, and modern problems of higher education.
Membership in professional organizations: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov is a member of Russian Association of Power Electronics Engineers.
Other professional skills: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov is a co -author of two displays on the Exhibition of USSR National Economy Achievements, which were awarded with the two silver medals. Besides, he is a Chief of two defended thesis for the Degree competition of Candidate for Technical Science.
Business trips abroad: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov has never been abroad on business trips.
Publications: Vladimir Vasilievich Tereshkov has more then 150 scientific and teaching – methodical work, including 37 patents, and author’s certificates for inventions.
"Metrology and radio measurements"; "Metrology, Standardization and Certification"; "Metrology and measurement stredstva in info-communication systems"; "Fundamentals of circuit theory", "Radio Circuits and Signals", "Pre-graduation course".