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Viktoria Viktorovna Guba 

+7(961) 288-43-45

+7(863) 437-14-44

Senior lecturer

Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

-Innovative processes in education;
- Labor market;
- Human capital;
- Management in social systems;
- Development and management decisions;

-Methods for making management decisions.

Research projects:

The use of mobile applications in the development and management decision-making organization

Marketing Tools as a factor in the formation of a stable system of organization


  • Methods for making management decisions
    To study the conceptual and methodological bases, as well as practical skills development management decisions at different levels of the management hierarchy of the organization
  • Management Accounting
    The purpose of discipline is to acquire the students the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the organization and management accounting in organizations of various forms of ownership and organizational-legal department. As well as getting online analytical information, its assessment to justify and make the right management decisions aimed at increasing business efficiency.
  • Management
    The goal of mastering the discipline "Management" is to provide students with the necessary knowledge about organization management, the historical stages of development of management practice, develop skills and systemic understanding and diagnosis of organization management problems, develop management solutions to overcome them, realize the social significance of their future profession and highly motivate the implementation of professional activities.