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Vladimir Sergeevitch Plaksienko 

+7(928) 956-34-59


Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Information on the prof. of RPRU and TV department Plaksienko V. S.

Plaksienko Vladimir Sergeevich, professor of department of "The radio-receiving devices and television".

The taught disciplines.

1. "Devices of reception and processing of signals".

2. "Bases of reception and processing of signals"

3. "Bases of television and video equipment"

4. "Physical bases of formation of images".

5. "The high-quality reception and intensifying equipment".

6. "Bases of television and processing of video images".

7. "Digital technologies in communication".

8. "Television systems and devices".

9. "Theory of reception and processing of superbroadband signals in communication systems".

10. "Bases of television and processing of video images".

11. "Physical and mathematical bases of formation of images".

12. "Bases of the theory of radio reception of discrete signals".

13. "Theory and practice of transfer of discrete messages"

14. "Models of reception of discrete signals against the background of hindrances".

Doctor of Engineering, professor.

 Directions of preparation "Radio engineering" and "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems".

Improved skills. Certificate of professional development No. 22 subject "Organization of Work of Students for Individual Schedules".

The general length of service – 54 years.

Length of service in the specialty – 49 years.