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Vyacheslav Vitalievich Volchik 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13015


Southern Federal University

Head of the department

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Institutional Economics, Behavioral Economics, Evolutionary Economics, Economics of Regulation, Austrian Economics, Economic Development, Economics of Education, Law and Economics, History of Economic Thought, Economic History, Socioeconomics

Research projects:

2018 Institutional traps of optimization of the sphere of education and science (as a Project Officer) The research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project N 18-010-00581)

2017 Identification of institutions and organizational mechanisms for the merger of universities in the context of the socio-economic development of the region (as a Project Officer) The research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Project No. 26.6124.2017/8.9

2015 - Institutional Changes of the Structure of the Russian Education and Adaptive Economic Behavior (the example of the Rostov Region) (as a Project Officer) The research was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (Project No. 15-32-01019)

2013 - Designing the elements of the regional and municipal policy for promoting rational financial strategies of actors in the consumer credit market of depressed areas (using the institutional approach) (as a Project Officer) The research was supported by Southern Federal University (Project No. 213.01-14/2013-16)

2013 - Examining Provincial Regions characterized by multistructure economy in the context of globalization networks under conditions of asymmetric practices of market regulation: strategies and risks to modernization (as a member of the Research Group) The research was supported by Southern Federal University (Project No. 213-01-24/2013-173)

2010 - II Russian Summer School for Young Researchers in the field of Evolutionary Economics and Institutional economics (as a member of the Group) The research was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (Project No.10-02-14007)

2008 - Examining the Evolution of Postindustrial Society Institutions in the context of Veblen’s dichotomy. The research was supported by the Endowment Fund “Education and Science of Southern Federal District”

2006 - The Power-Property Institute Evolution within the Russian Economic OrderВВ (as a Project Officer). The research was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (Project No. 06-02-00232а)

2003-2004 - Institutional Structure Evolution in Education as the Path Dependency Consequence (as a member of the Research Group).ВВ The research was supported by the Ministry of Education of The Russian Federation (Project No. Г02-3.2-231)

2000-2001 - Procurement Regional Policy Elaboration and MonitoringВВ (as a member of the Research Group).ВВ The research was supported by Moscow Social- Scientific Fund (Project No. 132/1-00)

1997-1998 - Regional Features of the Agrarian Reform and their reflection in the Land Laws (as a member of the Research Group).ВВ The research was supported by The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 97-06-80299)


  • Institutional economics
    Institutional economics is attempting to study economic phenomena as they appear in the real word. Institutions are the key elements of any economy, and thus a major task for economists is to study institutions and the processes of institutional change. The course is intended to enable students to get familiar with principal concepts used in the framework of institutional and evolutionary economics. Students are supposed to study the key papers on the institutional analysis. The course is focused on the main principles and issues of the process of institutional change.
  • Law and economics
    In some areas of legal practice, economic reasoning is often central to the focus of legal arguments. A discipline “Law and Economics" blends expertise in law and economics and enables economists to examine a wide range of issues related to law. The course is intended to enable students to get acquainted with principal concepts used in the framework of law and economics. Students are also expected to analyze the legal mechanisms of economic regulation.
  • Socioeconomics
    Socioeconomics is an emerging discipline which begins with the assumption that economics is not a self-contained system, but is embedded in society, polity, and culture. Socioeconomics regards economic system as a subsystem encapsulated within a societal context that contains values, power relations and social networks. The purpose of the course is to advance the understanding of economic behavior across a broad range of academic disciplines; to analyze the impact of societal, institutional, historical, philosophical, psychological and ethical factors on the economy; to balance inductive and deductive approaches to the study of economic behavior at both micro and macro levels of analysis.

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