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Viktor Nikolaevich Erovenko 

+7(928) 966-56-33

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Research interests:

Education and training:

higher education, Rostov State Pedagogical University (08.21.1981 - 15.08.1985) Edit Delete

Technical disciplines and work

teacher of technical disciplines

post-graduate education, Southern Federal University (__.__.____ - 26.10.2007) Edit Delete

13.00.01 - "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education" (pedagogical sciences)

Ph.D. DTC Series N 059 014

post-graduate education, Southern Federal University (- 02.04.2013) Edit Delete

Vocational education and methods of teaching technology

Docent DC Series N 048 813

training, FGAUOU VPO "Southern Federal University" (17.09.2012 -) Edit Delete

"Multimedia equipment and its use in the system of higher education"

Professional retraining of educators

training, VPO "State Pedagogical University named after LN Tolstoy." Tula (20.01.2015 - 24.02.2015) Edit Delete

"Modernization of the working programs to the respective disciplines with the GEF and the new regulations"

Additional professional certificate program 712400919366

Add information about education / professional development



  • Fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics in mechanical engineering
    The study of the laws of electromagnetic phenomena, devices, and operating principles of semiconductor devices and electronic ustroystv.Osnovnye industrial electrotechnology, generators and consumers of electrical energy, modulated and digital methods of information transfer. Elektroizmereniya.Multimediynye methods of electrical experiments.
  • Fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics in the automotive industry.
    The study of the laws of the electric current, electromagnetic interactions, principles of operation of electrical and electronic devices and mechanisms avtomobilya.Priobretenie knowledge and skills on the device and the principle of operation of sensors, actuators, electrical circuitry priborov.Vladenie electrical circuits and health car diagnostic skills.
  • Robotics elements (master's polytechnic education)
    Formation of basic knowledge and skills on the basics robototehniki.Razrabotka and implement ways to use robots in the learning process. The study of the principles of the elements of executive, management and information robot subsystems.
  • Methods of vocational guidance activities guide
    It is an integrating factor in the preparation of students by profiles direction of teacher education, technology, technical creativity, writing term papers and dissertations, extending competences magistrature.Priobretenie knowledge and skills of vocational guidance and education in schools and other educational institutions, the ability to assess their capabilities and konkurentosposobnost.Obuchenie independent work skills in solving theoretical and practical problems for the application of questionnaires and active methods of career guidance
  • Forecasting and Design in Education
    Forming students graduate system of knowledge, skills, application of technology on the basis of scientific prediction and design education, practice, mastery of the use of the acquired knowledge and skills in the development of educational programs and planov.Metody and technology forecasting and design education, basic types of projections and educational projects.
  • Ecological problems of modern production
    Deepening and widening of knowledge to solve environmental problems, allowing to develop and implement measures to prevent ingress of harmful substances into the environment by improving the technology. The study of methods for the creation and operation of effective treatment systems, to ensure normal working conditions, the introduction of advanced low-waste and non-waste technologies.