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Vladimir Maksimovich Barshay 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 15258

+7(632) 250-74-73


Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Professor of department of theoretical fundamentals of physical culture, honored worker of physical culture of the Russian Federation, Master of Sports of the USSR in sports acrobatics

In the course of scientific and pedagogical researches more than 100 scientific and methodical works among which there are textbooks and education guidances recommended by the Ministry of Education for universities are published

Under a scientific management of professor Barshaya V.M. securely 12 theses, in the direction pedagogical sciences

Research projects:

Area of scientific interests - professonalny preparation of pedagogical personnel in the sphere of physical culture and sport, a management activity in educational institutions, history and sociology of sport, historical the Olympic sport


  • Theory and history of physical culture and sport
    Includes consideration of theoretical and historical aspects of development of physical culture and sport
  • International Olympic Movement
    Representation of historical aspect of development of the Olympic Movement, prospects of development of the Olympism in the Russian Federation and in the world
  • Design activity
    Development and submission of the projects directed to increase of efficiency of a management activity in educational institutions of the sphere of physical culture and sport