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Vladimir Anatolievich Chistyakov 

+7(863) 243-39-67


Southern Federal University

Senior researcher

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
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Research interests:

Biosensors, mutagenesis, antigenotoxic activity, antioxidants, geroprotectors, mitochondria, aging, hormones, nitric oxide, probiotics, prebiotics, a fundamental pharmacology, poultry, functional food

Research projects:

1.    Investigation of the biological effects of a 300-400 nm UV using bacterial lux-biosensors 
2.    Development of synbiotic preparations’ technology based on immobilized on plant substrates biofilms of Bacillus bacteria
3.    Development of technological mini-complex for the production of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus plantarum probiotic products in a personal small livestock and poultry farms
4.    Finding ways to reduce DNA damage in allergic diseases of children up to 3 years
5.    The study of mechanisms of Fullerene C60 Antioxidant Action 
6.    The study of the adaptogenic action of low molecular weight organic cations with bacterial biosensors
7.    The study of mechanisms of action of negative anthropogenic extreme environmental factors using cell biosensors
8.    Study of microorganisms’ resistance to antimicrobial agents caused by the use of mutagenic drugs
9.    Superelectrophilic activation: an effective way to C-C bonds formation, and the synthesis of novel condensed carbo- and heterocycles with potential biological activity
10.    Study of therapeutically prospective biological effects of carbon nanoparticles
11.    The deceleration of reproductive aging chickens with cultures of probiotic microorganisms – producers of substances with antioxidant and DNA-protective activity

12.    Development of therapeutic food production technologies to reduce the accumulation of antibiotic resistance genes in the human bacterial microflora caused by the mutagenic drugs

13. Slowing down the reproductive aging of hens through using cultures of probiotic microorganisms -
producers of substances with antioxidant and DNA-protective activity (2016-2018 - grant RSF  N16-16-04032)

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