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Vera Aleksandrovna Labunskaya 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11619



Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Research area: social psychology of communication and expressive behavior.

Research interests: Social psychology of communication; Psychology of expressive behavior; Psychology of interpersonal cognition;  Psychology of appearance; Socio-psychological factors of attitudes towards the discrimination of Another; The psychology of envy; Social Psychology of transformation of views about the enemy and friend.

Research projects:

"The psychology of communication. Encyclopedic dictionary " Grant RHSF(2010-2011. N 10-06-16010d) 

 “The Transformation of social representations and relationships in times of economic instability the society” Federal grant "Southern Federal University" (SFU)(2011), the event 2.1. "Creation of infrastructure for the integration of scientific and educational innovation" No. 1-K-11-3  

"Social-psychological factors of discrimination of human  on the basis of his appearance" (grant «Southern Federal University» (SFU) No. 213.01-24/2013-185 from 30.04.2013).

”Psychology of communication and trust: methodology, theory, practice”(Grant RHSF No14-06-1451 (2014)

"Threats to national security in conditions of geopolitical competition and models of aggressive and hostile behavior of children and youth in the South of Russia” (grant “Southern Federal University” (SFU). No.213.01-07-2014/15 (2015-2016).

“Socio-psychological theoretic-empirical research model of attitude towards ethnolookism -  practices of discrimination on the basis of ordinary appearance type designations” (2016-2018 Grant RHSF No16-36-00049 -projects of scientific research carried out by teams of young scientists under the guidance of highly qualified scientists (PhDs)


  • Social Psychology
  • Psychology of negotiation
  • Psychology of expressive behavior
  • Psychology of communication and interpersonal cognition

Download CV (pdf)