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Vera Vitalievna Kot 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Economic of Development, Human Capital, Health Capital, Market of Labour, Innovative Economy, Evolutionary Economics, Economics of Education, Institutional Economics, Behavioural Economics, Regional Economics

Research projects:

Project funded by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (project N 15- 32-01019 «Institutional changes of structure of the Russian education and adaptive economic behavior (on the example of the Rostov region


  • Macroeconomics (advanced level)
    Purpose of studying the discipline ; identify a macroeconomic problem and formulate a hypothesis to solve it using standard macroeconomic analysis tools; based on the verbal description of the situation of searching for standard macroeconomic indicators; test institutional changes at the macro level.
  • Government Regulation and Economic Policy
    Purpose of studying the discipline:  to form in future specialists deep theoretical knowledge of the types and content of the state economic policy, scientific bases for its development and transformation patterns, as well as relevant modern methods of managing practical skills for substantiation, development and implementation of the state economic policy;  to form professional competencies in the field of analyzing the current market conditions at the micro and macro levels of economic activity, the ability to search, collect, process, analyze and systematize the necessary information in the economy, management for making effective organizational and management decisions.