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Vladimir Ivanovitch Kozlov 

Senior researcher

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication


Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Нistorical poetics, genre analysis, theory and history of Russian lyric poetry, Contemporary poetry.

Research projects:

Since May 2010 till December 2012 was supervising the implementation of the government contract N P658 on the following subject: “The formation of genre system of the Russian poetry of the 19th-20th centuries based on the innovative genre analysis method of a lyrical work” within the framework of Federal Target Program “Scientific and Academic Staff of Innovative Russia”. 

Since 2013 - Head of the Center for the Study of Contemporary Poetry of SFedU.

Editor-in-chief of the journal of literature studies "Prosodia" (

V. I. Kozlov is a regular author of the federal literary magazines “Arion”, “Znamya”, “Voprosi literaturi”, “Novy Mir”, where his poems, critical articles, literary research articles and essays are published.

In 2016 - a member of the jury of the literary award "Russian Booker".

From 2007 to the present - editor-in-chief of the business magazine "Expert-Yug".



  • System of genres in Russian literature: lyric poetry
    The long-term objectives of studying the discipline: forming the skills of analysis of Russian lyric poetry, which involves studying the basics of the theory of genre as a main category of historical poetics, as well as studying genre forms of Russian poetry of the noncanonical period (XIX-XX centuries), mastering the skills of making independent research of the genre system of Russian lyric poetry and of the basic principles of poetry transformations in synchronic and diachronic aspects. The short-term objectives of studying the discipline: understanding the basic approaches to the study of lyric poetry genres in Russian literary criticism; studying a genre as a method of making a piece of lyrics aesthetically complete; mastering the use of applied methods of genre analysis for works of lyric poetry; studying the range of the main lyrical genres of the canonical and non-canonical Russian lyric poetry (elegy, ode, ballad, epistle, idyll, etc.).
  • A work of lyric poetry: theory and practice of analysis and interpretation
    The subject under consideration aims at giving the students of philological department systematic knowledge in prosody and lyrical study with their further mastering the specific skills in literary analysis and interpretation The discipline objectives are as follows: • to form systematic understanding of notions and terms within prosody; • to strengthen students understanding of poetry factors meaningful functions; • to introduce them to the main principles of lyrical poetry creation; • to form the idea of the specific character of literary works elements; • to develop the skill in analyzing literary works specific elements; • to teach them the ‘close reading technique; • to enable students to study the given literary work as a whole
  • Workshop on creating a critical essay on literature
    Mastering the discipline involves gaining the skills of critical judgment about literature and mastering the methodology of writing a critical essay on literature. The activities to reach the objectives of studying the discipline: reviewing the best examples of critical essays on literature; understanding specifics of genres of literary criticism, mastering the methods of writing typical critical essays on literature; writing and preparing for publication ones own critical essays on literature.