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Viacheslav Hasanovich Pshikhopov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30000

+7(863) 437-16-94


Southern Federal University


Research Institute of Robotics and Process Automation


Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

Senior researcher

Research Institute of Robotics and Process Automation

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Robotics, control theory, optimal control systems, automated distributed control system of power facilities and networks.



Research projects:

1.  Participation grant for International conference "Mathematical theory of the networks and systems", Italy, Padova, 1998, Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFBR), Leading researcher and engineer

2. Sinergetic Methods of the Syntheses and Neurocomputer Realization of Planning Systems and Intelligent Robots Control. Grant RFBR 99-01­00071 1999­ 2001, RFBR, Leading researcher and engineer

3. Development of the Fundamentals and Neurocomputer Design Methods for the Synergetic Multicriterion Industrial Robots Control Systems Project 03.01.01 program of Russian Federation (RF) Ministry formation, 1999­2000, RF ministry of the education, Leading researcher and engineer

4.; Development of the Fundamentals and Neurocomputer Design Methods for the Synergetic Multicriterion Industrial Robots Control Systems. Project 03.01.014 program Ministry formation RF "Scientific studies of the high school on priority to directions of the science and technology"; 2001­2002; RF ministry of the education; Leading researcher and engineer

5. Intelligent Mobile Robots Based on Mini-Airships Research and Synthesis Methods Development. Project 03.01.062 research program "Scientific studies of the high school on priority directions of the science and technology"; - 2004; RF Ministry of the education; Leading researcher and engineer

6. Analytical Synthesis Methods and Neurocomputer Realization of the Control Performance Optimal Dynamical Systems Along Set Trajectories. Project E02-2.0-73 contests 2002 on competition grants RF Ministry of the education on fundamental studies in the field of natural and exact sciences; 2003­ 2004; RF Ministry of the education; Leading researcher and engineer

7. Structure-Algorithmic Motion Control System Realization for the Intelligent Mobile Robots Operating in Extreme Environments. Grant A03-3.16-87 contests 2003 on undertaking young scientist scientific studies in leading scientifically-pedagogical group of the high educational institutions and scientific organizations of the RF Ministry of the education. (executer - a post-graduate student Korneev I.G.); 2003­ 2004; RF Ministry of the education; Leading researcher and engineer

8. Project 12148 "Development, Production, Mounting and Adjustment of the Automated Street Illumination Control System in Taganrog"; 1997­2000; Administration of Taganrog; Leading researcher and engineer

9. Project 12102 "Development, Production, Mounting and Adjustment of the Automated Street Illumination Control System in Rostov-on-Don"; 2002­2003; Administration of city of Rostov- on-Don city; Leading researcher and engineer

10. Project 14800 “Development,Production, Mounting and Adjustment of the Automated Street Illumination Control System in Chelyabinsk"; 2004; Administration of city of Chelyabinsk; Leading researcher and engineer

11. Development of an integrated set of navigation and motion control for autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles; 2010; Russian Ministry of the Education; Scientific


12.Development of analytical method for synthesis of optimal interrelated nonlinear control systems; 2010 - 2012; Russian Foundation for Basic Researches; Scientific Leader

13. Development of the fundamentals of construction and researching of systems for mobile units operating in a priori nonformalized environments with unstable regimes; 2010 - 2012; Russian Foundation for Basic Researches; Scientific Leader

14. Project “Development of control and telecommunication system for unmanned airship”; 2011­2013; Hunan Space Agency, China; Scientific Leader

15.; Project “MAAT - Multibody advanced airship for transport”, FP7 Grant N285602; 2011­

2015; European Commision; Scientific Leader

16.; Project 14-19-01533, Development of theory and methods for intelligent position-trajectory control systems for mobile robots in conditions of uncertainty; 2014­ 2016; Russian

Scientific Foundation; Scientific Leader




  • 1. Introduction to Robotics.
  • 2. Control Theory Fundamentals.

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