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Vladimir Gennadievich Gaivoronskiy 

+7(863) 234-84-60

Associate Professor

Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The dissertation in the specialty 03.00.16 (Ecology)

The topic is: “The estimation of the Southern Russia grounds steadiness to the pollution by mazut according to the biological criteria (at the conditions of the model experiment)”. The degree to Gaivoronskiy Vladimir has been honored in 2009.

Gaivoronskiy V.G has graduated the Rostov State University, the faculty of the biology and grounds, The academy of civil treatment under the guidance of the President of Russia, the faculty of management, and also the juridical faculty of The southern Federal University (with the distinction).

The research field lies in the following topics: The regulation of the anthropogenic influence at the grounds and land-based ecological systems. The evaluation of the steadiness of the ecological systems to the pollution by the carbohydrates. The Green Marketing. The ecological rights of the citizens.

Nowadays Gaivoronskiy V.G. has published more than 40 (forty) publications. Among them are the papers in the following scientific journals: “The ground ecology, the engineering ecology, the ecology of the water, the cryoecology”, “The Soil Science”, “The Higher Education Proceedings, North-Caucasus region”. Also he has published three monographs and four textbooks for learning by students.

V.G. Gaivoronskiy has the experience in working activity as the engineer-ecologist and the specialist in chemistry at the plants of the Rostov region.

Research projects:

The two-time laureate of the special Prize for the support of the talented youth in the frame of the prior national project “Education”.

The finalist of the international competition “The technologies of the generation of nonstandard scientific ideas and projects”.

V.G. Gaivoronskiy is the member of the jury and the expert commission of the Don scientific academy of the young researchers. He is the expert of the Ministry of the nature resources and the ecology of the Rostov region, also he is an executor of the research and analytical projects in the Government of the Rostov region.

He has been honored by the first prize of FNPR, by the diploma from the Ministry of the education of Russia, by the diploma from the Russian Union of Education, by the memorial prize “25 years of Russian Trade Union”.

He is the head of the Students Coordinating Soviet of the Rostov Region and the representative organ of the students of Southern Federal University, he is also the member of the Russian club “Generation – 2020”, he is the honored member of the Social soviet at the Russia-Youth centre of Russian Federation.


  • The safety of living
  • The dangerous situations in the nature and corresponding defending of them