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Vladimir Evgenievich Kaydashev 

+7(989) 501-32-04

Senior researcher

Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Domain specialization

Plasmon nanosystems including plasmon coupled Au nanoparticle arrays for SERS and fluorescence enhancement. Design of ZnO hybrid nanostructures based on films, nanowires and nanoparticles/clusters.

Previous domain specializations
Investigation of optical absorption spectra of gas phase AuPd atomic clusters. Reactivity of atomic Au-Me and Pt-Me gas phase clusters towards CO and C3H6. Nonlinear absorption of Ag and Au clusters and nanoparticles dispersed in glass host and deposited onto transparent substrate using z-scan technique.
Pulsed laser deposition (YAG:Nd, KrF lasers) of ZnO based films, nanowires, core-shells and hybrid structures, percolation metal films and nanoparticles (Ag, Au), investigation of their optical (Low temperature photoluminescence) and structural (Raman spectroscopy) properties. Investigation of luminescence in ZnO nanowire arrays under intense optical pump. Carbo-thermal deposition of ZnO nanowires. DC-magnetron sputtering of metal films, percolation films and metal (Cu, Ag) nanoparticles.
Laser plasma plume diagnostics by time- and space-resolved UV/visible emission spectroscopy and Langmuir probe measurements. Investigation of PLD in gases under real conditions of films` and nanowires` growth (shock wave dynamics of ZnO, ZnO:Mg, ZnO:Ga, ZnO:Mn, ZnO:Er in oxygen (10-1 – 10-3 mbar) and Ar (50-100 mbar)).

Main technical skills and expertise

YAG:Nd lasers (Spectra physics)
Gas lasers (HeCd, Ar Ion, HeNe)
Eximer lasers (KrF, F2 laser)
Optical Parametric Resonators (Spectra physics MOPO-710, MOPO-730)
Dye Laser System (Sirah Cobra Stretch)
HV and UHV systems and setups (PLD and DC magnetron sputtering setups at Laboratory of Nanomaterials (SFU, Russia) PLD setup at TCD (Ireland), Free Cluster Laser Spectroscopy setup (KULeuven, Belgium))
Raman Spectroscopy (Renishaw, SFU, Russia)
Photoluminescence setups (at SFU, Russia and at University of Aveiro, Portugal)
SEM (Carl Zeiss Supra 25, SFU, Russia)
Other skills/activities
06.2008-07.2008 Research student in University of Aveiro, Portugal
09.2009-11.2009 Research student in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Numerical modeling using MATLAB, Visual C++.NET, C#. Experienced in ASP.NET, ADO.NET, assembler, GCC programming. Vast experience in programming of AVR microcontrollers and design of microprocessor electronics.

Research projects:


Russian Federation President Research Grant N MK-8369.2016.2 (2016), ”A study of an optical absorption and electromagnetic field concentration the in strongly coupled plasmon nanosystems”


Project N 16.219.214K “Development of synthesis methods, theoretical and experimental study of  ZnO  based nanostructures for elements of photodetectors, optical antennas, piezo- and chemisensors”


Project N1474 in framework of basic part of national task N 2014/174 “Development of synthesis methods, study of properties of nanostructures and films based on ZnO for micro- and nanoelectronics and photonics devices` elements”


Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)


Flemish Concerted Action (GOA/09/006) research program


Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Poles (IAP FP6/42) research program


Research  Grant  of  SANDiE Network of Excellence of the EU, by the FCT of Portugal  (Project No. PTDC/FIS/72843/2006)


Development of Higher School Science Potential, Russia (Project No. “Investigation of growth processes and properties of zinc oxide based nanostructures”


Project RFFI N 09-02-13530 “Investigation of application possibility of carbon nanotube and high conductive semiconducting nanowire arrays as antenna in UHF and millimeter spectra range”

Download CV (pdf)