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Varvara Shevtsova 

Senior lecturer

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Biotechnology, Genetics, Animal genetics, Molecular biology, Animal fertility, Animal production, fertility and welfare, Biomechanics, Biomimetics

Research projects:

2018-2022: An investigation of production traits and fertility haplotypes in agricultural animals.

2017 – 2018: Research work at Don State Agrarian University – an investigation of fertility haplotypes in Holstein cattle of Rostov-on-Don region.

2015 – Participation in the project on «FEM (Finite Element Modeling) of Atherosclerotic Plaque Evolution» as a biology consultant (Saratov State University).

2010 – Participation in the project «Creation and approbation of the new method FIAV (Fast Identification of Alleles Variation» – design and development of bioinformatics database supported the FIAV method for hereditary diseases diagnostic (Southern Federal University).

2006 – 2012: Scientific investigation of insect flight biomechanics, optimization of insect wing topology, comparative analysis of optimisation methods (SIMP, Level Set and BESO), modeling of flying insect, investigation of mechanical properties of insect tissues.

Trainings and courses:

2019 – on-line course Dairy Production and Management (The Pennsylvania State University), Grade Achieved: 97.5%.

Issuing Organization: Coursera

Issue Date: August 2019

Expiration Date: (This certification does not expire)

2016 – Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg – Computer technologies of microscope image processing (work with the software for microscopy and image analysis).

2013, 2016 – courses by NETZSCH (Thermal analysis of materials), Moscow, Saint Petersburg