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Vladimir Pereverzev 

Senior researcher

Academy for Engineering and Technologies

Senior researcher

Research Institute of Robotics and Process Automation

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Research interests:



Main science and applied interests are in the theory and practice of:

Development of software systems and techniques for selection, intelligent analysis, recognition, visualization, and archiving of digital data streams; Modeling and simulation of technical systems including mobile robots; Development of simulating models and intelligent decision-making support systems using advanced geo-information applications; Development and research of methods and algorithms for multiagent perception and processing of data about environment from heterogeneous sensors in the real time domain.


Job Title


Place of the work

Engineer, Department of Computer Engineering

2000 - 2003

Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog)

Software developer, Science and Research Department

2003 - 2005

Senior software developer, Science and Research Department

2005 - 2013

Senior engineer

2013 - 2014

Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog)

Assistant, Department of Computer Engineering

2014 - Present

Educational work






Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog)

BSc in Technics and Technologies


Computer Engineering

Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog)



Computer Engineering

Professional qualification



Research projects:


Development of a software shell underwater relief formation on the hydroacoustic measurements and information - analytical complex struggle for survival

Development of software documentation, debugging and bench testing-software complex for the formation of three-dimensional image of the seabed and search for navigational hazards both natural and artificial origin according GASM

Development and research of systems of automated design of problem-oriented computational devices based on FPGA

A study of the principles and development of computer complex digital processing and displaying real time information about the environment

The creation of a hardware-software complex modeling informational interaction in multi-agent systems

The development of a program of formation and display of three-dimensional surface of the seabed

Development of an integrated set of navigation and motion control for autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles

Development of the fundamentals of construction and researching of systems for mobile units operating in a priori nonformalized environments with unstable regimes

Development and research algorithmic basis and implementing on-Board multi-core specialized computer-oriented automatic resolution of real-time 2D navigation tasks

Project 14-19-01533, Development of theory and methods for intelligent position-trajectory control systems for mobile robots in conditions of uncertainty

Project 16-19-00001, Theoretical framework and development methods for intelligent systems distributed control of Autonomous teams of robots



  1. D. Beloglazov, V. Finaev, V. Guzik, E. Kosenko, V. Krukhmalev, M. Medvedev, V. Pereverzev, V. Pshikhopov, A. Pyavchenko, R. Saprykin, I. Shapovalov, V. Soloviev      Path Planning for Vehicles Operating in Uncertain 2D Environments     298р. Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017, ISBN 978-0-12-812305-8
  2. Beloglazov D.A., Guzik V.P., Kosenko E.Y., Krukhmalev V.A., Medvedev M.Y., et al. Intelligent planning of trajectories of vehicles in environments with obstacles/ Ed. by Pshikhopov V.Kh., Moscow, FIZMATLIT, 2014 – 300 p.

Recent papers:

  1. V. Ph. Guzik, Yu. V. Chernukhin, A. O. Pyavchenko, M. Yu. Polenov, V. A. Pereverzev, and R. V. Saprykin Neural network method of intellectual planning of mobile robotic object movement in the conditions of uncertainty Advances in Robotics, Mechatronics and Circuits, Advances in Robotics, Mechatronics and Circuits, 2014, pp. 194-200.
  2. V. Ph. Guzik, Yu. V. Chernukhin, A. O. Pyavchenko, V. A. Pereverzev, and R. V. Saprykin Principles of structural organization of the intellectual movement planning system for mobile robotic object Advances in Robotics, Mechatronics and Circuits, Advances in Robotics, Mechatronics and Circuits, 2014, pp. 223-227.
  3. V. Pshikhopov, Y.Chernukhin, V.Guzik, M. Medvedev, B. Gurenko, A. Piavchenko, R. Saprikin, V. Pereversev, V. Krukhmalev Implementationof Intelligent Control System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 701-702 (2015) pp 704-710.

Public acknowledgment

  1. Awarded, as well as other members of the creative team of scientists and engineers, southern Federal University (Head-PhD, Professor of Psychopop V. H.), diploma and gold medal of the XVIII Moscow international salon of inventions and innovation technologies for the development of "Intelligent control system for the robotic boat", Moscow, 2015.


  • Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming
  • Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms
  • Problem-oriented computing system
  • Introduction to engineering activity