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Vladimir Aleksandrovich Matveev 

+7(863) 218-40-00


Institute of History and International Relations

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

Matveev Vladimir Aleksandrovich – D.Sc. in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Native History, Institute of History and International Relations, South Federal University. Author of more than 200 scientific publications, 13 monographs. Specialises in issues associated with Russian universalist transformations and separatism on the territory of the North Caucasus in the latter half of the 20th century up to the year 1917. The author also studies the features of the state structure of the peripheral Russian Eastern lands in the imperial period, organisation of the systems of control, the role of Islamism in the integration processes, as well as the role of the East Slavic factor in the areas of civilizational fractures in the framework of non-ethnic peripheries.

Over the period of 2015-2016, 5 monographs were published. Among them are:

Matveev V.A. Ukrainian crisis of  2014: retrospective assessment (peculiarities of historical codification in the East Slavic ethnic environment in the south of the Russian Empire and its manifestation in the recent epoch). (Monograph). Rostov-On-Don: OOO “Omega-Print”, 2015. 320 p.

Matveev V.A. Nationalist counterrevolutionary insurrection and manifestations of sustainability of Russian integration in the Northern Caucasus during crisis period of 1917-1921. 2nd edition, revised and updated. (Monograph). Rostov-On-Don: South Federal University, 2016. 268 p.


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