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Vasily Afanasyevich Litvinenko 

+7(918) 544-18-33

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Mining of adaptive algorithms construction for solving the problems on graphs and networks with operated accuracy


Research projects:

Mining of the theory and principles of adaptive algorithms construction for solving the problems on graphs and networks with operated accuracy

Mining of the theory and principles of adaptive algorithms construction with operated accuracy of  the VLSI CAD design operations 

Mining of the theory and principles of construction of alternative algorithms libraries for  solving extreme problems on graphs

Mining of the theory and principles of visual tools construction for the creation of algorithms for solving the problems on graphs

Mining of the theory and principles of visual tools construction for the creation of algorithms for solving the problems on graphs


  • Technologies of a prorammirovaniye.
    Technologies of a prorammirovaniye. Short description of discipline of "Technology of programming" 1. The name of the educational program within which the discipline is read: 09.03.02 "Information systems and technologies" (level of training; bachelor degree). 2. The general labor input (in ZET); 2. 3. The place of discipline in structure of the educational program the Professional cycle, variable discipline, communication with other disciplines: - "Informatics" of Knowledge: devices of the computer, bases of representation and information processing in the Ability computer: to encode and decode information, to work with lists and other information structures - "The discrete mathematics" of Knowledge: bases, device and methods of the discrete mathematics of Ability: to apply the discrete mathematical models in case of the decision of different tasks Skills: the analysis of the discrete structures and models - "Bases of algorithmization and programming" Knowledge: bases, structures, approaches of procedural programming on С ++, programming on С ++ by means of one of instrumental systems. Abilities: to apply one of the systems of instrumental programming on С ++. Skills: algorithmization and procedural programming of tasks in language of the high level С ++. 4. The discipline study purpose • satisfaction of needs of the personality for competent use of the modern computer equipment on a basis mastering of technologies of professional programming of practical tasks, obtaining practical skills and knowledge of bases of use of the modern languages and work benches of programming of practical tasks; • satisfaction of needs of customers for frames who are able to program independently tasks of practical character in languages of the high level with use of the latest instrumental programming systems and technologies of programming; • acquisition of practical skills of programming with use of different technologies of programming in languages of the high level of practical tasks, uses of debugging tools of the modern instrumental systems. 5. Requirements to results of mastering of discipline and) common cultural competences (CCC): OK-4: understanding of the social significance of the future profession, possession of high motivation to execution of professional activity; b) all-professional competences (OPK): OPK-1: possession of broad general preparation (basic knowledge) for the decision of practical tasks in the field of information systems and technologies; OPK-2: ability to apply methods of the mathematical analysis and simulation, theoretical and pilot study; OPK-5: ability to use the modern computer technologies of information search for the solution of an objective, the critical analysis of this information and reasons for the accepted ideas and approaches to the decision; b) professional competences (PC): design activities: PK-12: ability to develop implementers of information technologies (methodical, information, mathematical, algorithmic, technical and program); research and development activities: PK-23: readiness to participate in setting and conducting the pilot studies; PK-24: ability to justify correctness of the selected model, comparing results of the experimental data and the received decisions; As a result of mastering of discipline the student shall: nobility: features of development on C ++ applications with use of technologies of procedural, object-oriented, component (visual) programming of information systems; to be able: to use the modern technologies of programming in language of the high level C ++ and the systems of visual programming for programming of information systems; to own: by methods of creation of mathematical models and their program implementation on C ++, using technologies of procedural, object-oriented and component programming on C ++ and skills of algorithm elaboration and programs and their debugging with use of the modern instrumental programming systems. 6. Content of discipline Module 1. Bases of technology of object-oriented programming on C ++ 1) Encapsulation: declaration of a class, members of a class, class tag, creation of objects of a class in a static and dynamic memory, the address to members of a class. Declaration of functions of a class out of the description of classes, designers and destructors. 2) Inheritance: derivatives and base classes, creation of objects of derivative classes. class hierarchy. 3) Polymorphism: the virtual functions, dynamic binding, overload of functions, multiple inheritance and the virtual base classes. 4) An overload of unary and binary operations for objects of classes. Choice of the sign of operation. Arguments of functions operations. 5) Class templates. STL library. Module 2. Bases of procedural and object-oriented technologies of programming under Windows of information systems 1) of the Windows Window. Application descriptor. Window descriptor. Messages of Windows. Structure of the program: principal functions and function of processing of a window. 2) Operation cycle of messages. A choice of messages as processing of a window. Message handling by default. API functions. Creation of classes of windows. Input focus. Message handling of a mouse. 3) Visual programming environments C ++ Builder and the Visual Studio for creation of information systems. Creation of Windows applications with use of libraries of visual components. 4) Classes for visual (component) programming: governing bodies: buttons, fields of editing, creation of the menu, common dialogs of opening and closing of files, operations with databases.