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Alexander Vyacheslavovich Usatov 

+7(863) 243-33-94


Southern Federal University


Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Research interests:

Extrachromosomal heredity, biotechnology, molecular genetics, the genetic basis of evolution.

Research projects:

Investigation of the structural and functional organization of genomes of chloroplasts and mitochondria of cultivated and wild sunflower (Helianthus L.), as well as intraspecific and interspecies hybrids obtained on their basis with various combinations of nucleus and cytoplasm.


  • Theory of Evolution
    The discipline "Theory of Evolution" is read in the educational program of higher education "Biology" in the direction of preparation 06.03.01 "Biology", the level of bachelor's degree. The purpose of mastering the discipline "Theory of Evolution" is the formation of general professional and professional competences in the field of scientific worldview about factors, driving forces and patterns of the evolutionary process, the relative appropriateness of the structure and adaptability of biological systems, the organization and diversity of species in the past and present.
  • Genetics of plastids and mitochondria
    The discipline "Genetics of plastids and mitochondria" is read in the educational program of higher education "Biology" in the direction of preparation 06.04.01 "Biology", master's level. The purpose of mastering the discipline "Genetics of plastids and mitochondria" is the formation in students of general professional and professional competences in the field of scientific worldview about the genetic systems of plastids and mitochondria, the knowledge of the molecular structure of their genomes, the features of replication, mutation, recombination, editing, reparation, and functioning in interaction With a nucleus in a single information system of a eukaryotic cell.
  • Genetics and genomics of plants
    The discipline "Genetics and genomics of plants" is read in the educational program of higher education "Biology" in the direction of preparation 06.04.01 "Biology", master's level. The purpose of mastering the discipline "Genetics and genomics of plants" is the formation in students of general professional and professional competences in the field of scientific worldview about the regularities of embryonic development of angiosperms, the ways and characteristics of their reproduction, and the structural and functional organization of their genomes.
  • Extranuclear genetic systems of eukaryotes
    The discipline "Extranuclear genetic systems of eukaryotes" is read in the educational program of higher education "Biology" in the direction of preparation 06.04.01 "Biology", master's level. The purpose of mastering the discipline "Extranuclear genetic systems of eukaryotes" is the formation in students of general professional and professional competences in the field of scientific worldview about the heredity and variability of organisms, the interaction of the genomes of the nucleus and cellular organelles, obligate and facultative genetic systems of pro- and eukaryotes in the process of cell functioning and transmission of nonchromosomal Hereditary information in generations, its realization in ontogeny and phylogeny of organisms, and also demonstration of possibility Practical use of this knowledge in breeding and medicine.