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Tatyana Victorovna Shushkevich 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30012

Senior researcher

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

Associate Professor

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

Senior researcher

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

Senior researcher

Academy for Engineering and Technologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Qualimetric assessment of product quality, application of TQM methods for production management, metrological assurance.

Among the latest works:

  • Shushkevich, T.V. Expression of uncertainty of measurement results / Gulova O.A, Shushkevich T. V. // Innovative science -  2016. Vol 6, part 2 - pp. 58-60.
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Uncertainty Assessment: general-purpose software // Monograph - Southern Federal University. Taganrog: Publishing house of Southern Federal University, 2016. 155 p.
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Program calculation of uncertainty of results of measurements // Inženernyj vestnik Dona - 2016. Vol 4.
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Fundamentals of the theory of errors in Metrology: textbook // Southern Federal University. ; Rostov-on-don; Taganrog: publishing house of southern Federal University, 2017. ; 76 p .
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Processing of measurement results: examples of calculations: textbook // Southern Federal University. ; Rostov-on-don; Taganrog: publishing house of southern Federal University, 2017. ; 76 p .
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Grouping of quality indicators. Registration number of the certificate for the computer program 2017661334. Registration date: 10.10.2017
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Evaluation of the possibility of modeling the measurement process in the software calculation of uncertainty // Proceedings of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics - 2017. Vol. 20, part 1 - pp. 96-100.
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Assessment of completeness of measurements with a software calculation of uncertainty // Vestnik MSTU "Stankin" - 2017. Vol 2 (41) - pp. 56-60.
  • Shushkevich, T.V. Propagation of distributions in the training course "Metrology" // Inženernyj vestnik Dona - 2018. Vol 2
  • Tatyana V. Shushkevich. Uncertainty Analysis Tools. // Proceedings of 2018 14th International Scientific-technical Conference on actual problems of electronic instrument engineering (APEIE-2018). In 8 Volumes. Vol. 1 Part 1. Novosibirsk. 2018. pp. 293-295. (IEEE)
  • Tatyana V. Shushkevich. The geographic information systems spatial data quality evaluation in the Metamodel context. // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, Vol. 698, Issue 4, 044018


Research projects:

Project 19-01-00412 А "Development of models and algorithms of cognitive and neuroevolutionary modeling to support decision - making in intelligent information management systems", Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 


  • Metrology, standardization and measuring instruments (27.03.01, 21.03.02, 12.03.04, 28.03.01, 26.05.04, 11.03.04)
    The discipline is aimed at studying the basics of metrological support, methods of evaluation of errors of measurement results and the acquisition of skills in the use of normative and technical documentation during measurements. It is a general course aimed at engineering students.
  • Technical means of cadastral systems (21.03.02 "Land management and cadastres")
    The purpose of teaching the discipline is to familiarize with the basic technical means intended for the implementation of design and survey works on land management, land and urban cadastres provided by land legislation and the implementation of topographic and geodetic surveys; focused on students of the bachelor educational program 21.03.02 "Land management and cadastres".
  • Geodetic support of cadastral works (21.03.02 "Land management and cadastres")
    The purpose of the discipline is the formation of a clear idea of the means and methods of geodetic works in topographic and geodetic surveys, the creation and adjustment of topographic plans, to solve engineering problems in land management and cadastral works. The discipline is focused on students of the bachelor educational program 21.03.02 "Land management and cadastres".
  • Interdisciplinary project 2 (21.03.02 "Land management and cadastres")
    The purpose of the project is the acquisition of practical skills of integrated assessment of the territory and design of the planning structure of the residential district as well as skills of independent work with regulatory and reference literature. The discipline is focused on students of the bachelor educational program 21.03.02 "Land management and cadastres".
  • Quality management of information systems.
    The purpose of studying the discipline is to familiarize students with the methods of managing the maintenance and modification of geoinformation systems (GIS) that automate organizational management tasks and business processes based on the concept of quality management.