Senior lecturer
Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences
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Senior lecturer
Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences
Research interests:
Scientific interests Klimova Т.V. Related to developments in the areas of: • Correctional psychology, psychology of management, engineering psychology and cyberpsychology; • Cognitive infographics; • Psychodiagnostics, including using bio-feedback equipment and mathematical-statistical data processing; • designing, developing and implementing multidisciplinary innovative products by students, undergraduates; • media psychology.
Research projects:
Klimova TV A number of training courses on: psychology, psychodiagnostics, management psychology, special psychology and pedagogy; Project management and development of design skills for students, undergraduates; Cognitive infographics, as well as technical means of design and composition. She participated in the development of SFU grants: on educational and scientific development programs of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Practical Psychology (2008); On the issue of "Humanitarian technologies and models for the development of tolerant relations and the formation of anti-extremist values in the youth environment in the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region of the Russian Federation" (2013). Tatyana Vladimirovna is the author of more than 50 works, among them: - 2 monographs Klimova Т.V. Readiness for integration into the youth society with hearing impaired. The value-semantic aspect of the analysis. Germany: Lab Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, 2012. -256 p .; Skuratovskaya, ML, Klimova, TV, Volodina, I.S. Social interaction and the formation of a culture of tolerant communities in the socio-cultural environment of the university as a condition for the accessibility of vocational education for disabled people [Text]: monograph / M.L. Skuratovskaya, Т.V. Klimova, I.S. Volodin. - Rostov-on-Don, 2013.-185s. - an article of the Scopus database - Klimova T.V., Skuratovskaya M.L. A Prognostication Model for Personal Readiness for Integration into the Educational Space of the Higher Learning Insitutions in Students with Disabilties // Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (10): 1441-1445, 2013 - 9 articles in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 2008, Izvestiya Vuzov, Severo-Kavkazskiy Region, 2008, Bulletin of the Bashkir University, 2009, Izvestiya of PGPU named after VG Belinskiy. ", 2010," Modern Studies of Social Problems ", 2010," Humanities and Social Sciences ", 2013," Education, Science, Innovation: Southern Dimension ", 2013). - educational and methodological developments, 5 works are presented in the virtual base of the electronic university RSTU. Klimova Т.V. (Krasnoyarsk, 2010), Telecom Idea (MTS, 2011), Breakthrough of the Year (SFU, 2011), All-Russian Competition of Innovative Projects of Post-Graduate Students and Young Scientists in the Field of Social and Humanitarian Sciences "(Ulyanovsk, 2011)," The best research SFU "(SFedU, 2012), etc. Tatyana Vladimirovna successfully combines teaching activity with research and experimental work with students, undergraduates on the basis of the "Workshop on Social Designing of SFU-RGUPS". She supervised over 30 student works, including 3 VAK, 6 RINC. Students take part in the work of such major student events as: International Youth Scientific Forum "Lomonosov-2011-2015" (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow), Winter Psychology School "Psychology of States-2014" (Volga Federal University, Kazan), International School of Project Management of "Pegas-2013-2015" (Bel GU, Belgorod). 17 students-participants of the workshop are winners and laureates of domestic and international competitions, members of the youth government of the Rostov region, initiators of large, including. International projects