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Tatjana Victorovna Bogachenko 

Associate Professor

Institute of History and International Relations

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

1997 graduated from the history faculty of Rostov state University. Works in Rostov state University (2007 - SFU) from 1993 To 2005 he defended her thesis on Russian history, on the theme: "Historical basis of legends about women-warriors of the southern Russian steppes" in the dissertation Council at the Russian state University.

Main research interests: Ethnography, mythology, folklore of the peoples of the world.

Author of several scientific works.

Research projects:

Key publications:

1. Bogachenko, T. V. Amazons – warrior women // Donskaya Arkheologiya. 1998, No. 1. – pp. 13-19.

2. Bogachenko, T. V., Maximenko E. V. Amazon in the Northern black sea (to the question about the historical roots of a legend) // Problems of archeology of Southeast Europe (theses of reports of VII the don archeological conference). Rostov-on-don, 1998. - pp. 88-89.

3. Bogachenko, T. V. Ancient written tradition about the Amazons: development // Rubicon. Collection of scientific works of young scientists. Vol. 13. Rostov-on-don, Rostov state University, 2001. – p. 28-35.

4. Bogachenko, T. V., Religious-mythological interpretation of the legends about the Amazons in the works of Russian researchers // Historical studies. Vol. 5. The memory of Yu. V., Knyshenko (1921-1990.). SB. articles. Rostov-on-don, 2002. – p. 8-16.

5. Bogachenko, T. V., Chernitsyn S. V. Ethnology. Teaching materials for students of II course of the correspondence Department of the faculty of history, Rostov state University. Rostov-on-don, Rostov state University, 2002.

6. Bogachenko, T. V. Warriors of the Northern black sea: on the historical and ethnographic foundations of the story of Herodotus about the origin of the tribe savromats // the Crossroads of history: Actual problems of historical science. Materials of all-Russian scientific conference 22-23 April 2004. Astrakhan, 2004. – pp. 79-85.

7. Bogachenko, T. V. the Problem of interpretation of the burial of the "women with guns" and initiation ceremonies // Historical and archaeological researches in Azov and the Lower don in 2004 Vol. 21. Basics, AMZ, 2006. – 0.6 p. L.

8. Bogachenko, T. V. image of a warlike Queen in the ancient tradition of the peoples of the Northern Pontic // Rubicon. Collection of scientific works of young scientists. Vol. 44. Rostov-on-don, Rostov state University, 2007. – p. 9-17. – 1.2 p. L.

9. Bogachenko, T. V. Program "the Funerary cult and ritual" // Rubicon. Collection of scientific works of young scientists. Vol. 49. Rostov-on-don, Rostov state University, 2008. – p. 109-113.

10. Bogachenko, T. V., Warrior of Russian folk tales: the question of historical roots of the image (according to the epic of the Danube) // Rubicon. Collection of scientific works of young scientists. Edition of 50. Rostov-on-don, 2008. – page 39-48.

11. Bogachenko, T. V., Maximenko E. V. Burial "women with guns" era of the early iron age on the don (methodological aspects of studying) // lower Volga archaeological Herald. Issue 9. Volgograd, 2008. – p. 48-61.


  • history of primitive society,
  • social anthropology
  • the mythology of the ancient world