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Taisiia Sergeevna Paniotova 

+7(904) 342-51-44


Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

Name: Taissia Sergeevna Paniotova , 01.09.1952, Citizen: Russia Degrees: • Doctor of Philosophy (2005) – Southern Federal University • Candidate of Philosophy (Russian equivalent of PhD, 1979) - Moscow State University; • Diploma in Philosophy at Moscow State University (1975); 3. Career: Senior Lecturer of All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 1979-1980); Associate Professor of Rostov State University (1980-2005), Professor (2006-2013) of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies. Specialist in Utopia, Latin-American Culture and Contemporary Culture. 4. Other activities: - Member of the Philosophical Society - Member of the Cultural Studies Society - Member of the Academic Council on thesis - Participant in International Congresses of researchers in Latin America in Slovakia (2004) Italy (2005), Spain (2006, 2011, 2014), Belgium (2007), Czech Republic (2007), Greece (2009), England (2013); en Congresses of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.

Research interests: Utopia and utopian thought ; Latin American culture and Latin American utopia; The phenomenology of modern culture

Research projects:

List of publications Monographs 1. Panayotova T. S. Utopia in the space of the dialogue of cultures. Rostov-on-Don, 2005 2. Panayotova T. S. The history of Western culture the context of modernization (XIX- XXI century ) 3. Panayotova T. S. The history of the West Culture in the context of modernization (XIX - the beginning of XXI century), Moscow-Berlin, Direkt-media, 2015. ISBN: 978-5-457-94106-9 4. Panayotova T. S. Experimental utopia as a historical reality / Problems of operationalization and interpretation of philosophical knowledge in the context of contemporary applied philosophy. Scientific publication (monograph). Rostov-on-don, publishing house of URIU Ranepa, 2016. 448 p. (p. 138-154) 5. Panayotova T. S. Imagination as the creation of new meanings: the heroes of Shakespeare's "the Tempest" in the Latin American context / Imagination and reality in design art and virtual worlds Shakespeare's England: collection of scientific papers [Text] / ed.ed. and comp. I. I. Lisovich; ed: V. S. Makarov, B. N. Gaiden. — M. :Izd-vo Mosk. Gumanit.University press, 2015 ISBN 978-5-9068-22-32-1. 6. Panayotova T. S. Pensamiento caribeño: siglos XIX y XX”, Prague, 2007 (coauthor) 7. Panayotova T. S. Utopia en Marcha, Quito, 2009 (coauthor) Textbooks 1. Cultural studies. Textbook for high schools. The Ministry of education of the Russian Federation. The seventeenth edition. Rostov-on-don, Phoenix, 2010, p. 571, Ed. editor Professor G. V. Drach. 2. History of world culture (world civilizations). Textbook for high schools. Grif NMS Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. Ed. seventh . Rostov-on-don, Phoenix, 2010, p. 537, Ed. editor Professor G. V. Drach. 2. Panayotova T. S. Textbook for reading texts on philosophy in Spanish. Issue 1. For the masters of the faculty of philosophy and cultural studies. Rostov-on-don, 2011. (in et al. With Rodriguez E. R.) 4.The Fundamentals of art history. Music. Literature: textbook / Under the editorship of Poniatowo T. S. of St. Petersburg, M., Krasnodar: LAN', planet music, 2015. (Textbooks for higher educational institutions. Special literature) With the stamp of the Academic Council Ipvpn SFU as academic benefits for students of the specialty "Cultural studies" ISBN 978-5-89546-750-3 (publishing house "LAN") ISBN 978-5-91938-234-8 (publishing house "planet of music") 5. The Fundamentals of art history .Theater, Cinema: textbook / Under the editorship of Panayotova T. S. of St. Petersburg, M., Krasnodar: LAN', planet music, 2015. (Textbooks for higher educational institutions. Special literature) With the stamp of the Academic Council Ipvpn SFU as academic benefits for students of the specialty "Culturology" 2 ISBN 978-5-8114-1990-6 (publishing house "LAN") ISBN 978-5-91938 - 235-5 (publishing house "planet of music") 6. Panayotova T. S. The History of modern Western culture (XIX - early XXI centuries): study guide / T. S. Paniotov.- Rostov -on-Don: Feniks, 2015.- 350 [1] p. - (Higher education). With the stamp of EMA on education in the field of historical and archival. 7. History of arts / Under the editorship of G. V. Drach, Panayotova T. S. Moscow, Knorus. 2013, 2014, 2016. Grif UMO in innovative interdisciplinary educational programs. 8. History of world civilizations / Under the editorship of G. V. Drach, Panayotova T. S. Moscow, Knorus. 2013, 2014, 2016 Grif UMO in innovative interdisciplinary educational programs 9. History of world civilizations. textbook. 8 edition. With the stamp of UMO /under the editorship of G. V. Drach M., Ed. Centre RIOR, 2016. 320 p. ISBN 978-5-369-01459-2 Foreign publications 1. Paniotova T.S. The real and The Fantastic in Utopia by Thomas More / Valla, N 2(4-5), 2016, p. 48-54 2. Taissia Paniotova. The utopia as memory: retrospection of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega / America. Crossing of glances. Teresa Cañedo (ed.). Alcala de Henares, 2015 3. Paniotova T. S. Sobre el uso de términos españoles en el discurso contemporáneo сulturológico p. 55-57/ Problemas actuales de filologia en el espacio hispano-ruso de la investigacion / Actas oficiales de la Conferencia Científico-Práctica Internacional. Universidad Federal del Sur, Universidad de Cádiz 2013 4. Paniotova T. S. Civilizational context of the Utopian discurse / Echoes of Utopia. Wydawnictwo, KUL, Lublin, 2012 5. Paniotova Taissia. Origenes Clаsicos y autоctonos de la utopia en America Latina / América Latina, Globalidad e Integración. Valencia, 2012, 6. Paniotova Taissia. Origenes Clаsicos y autоctonos de la utopia en America Latina / RIDA. Núm. 60. Otoño 2012 Valencia 7. Paniotova Taissia. La continuidad de la Utopia: del Mediterraneo a America /America Latina y el Mediterraneo: ideas en contacto/ Madrid, 2011 8. Paniotova Taissia Caminos de Utopia: del Mediterraneo al Nuevo mundo / El escritor y el intelectual entre dos mundos, Madrid, 2010 Articles in central scientific journals 1.Panayotova T. S. the Real and the fantastic in Thomas Moore's Utopia / Knowledge. Understanding.Skill. 2016. No. 3 2. Panayotova T. S. "The Invention of the method: Un novum instrumentum in "Utopia" Thomas More " / Philosophy and culture. 2016. No. 8 3. Panayotova T. S., Kosyanenko, E. V. Latin American wedding ritual as a representation of intercultural communication / Culture and civilization. 2016. No. 4 4. Panayotova T. S., M. V. Mitrokhina, the Phenomenon of mobilographia as a new form of representation of identity / Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2016. No. 1 5. Panayotova T. C. Meeting of cultures: the debate about conquest, just war, and "slavery by nature" / Culture and civilization.- No. 6 2015 Impact factor 0,200 6. Panayotova T. S. Latin American paradox: at the origins of experimental utopia / Philosophy of law. Part I. No. 3, 2014 7. Panayotova T. S. Latin American paradox: at the origins of experimental utopia / Philosophy of law. Part II. No. 4, 2014 8. Panayotova T. S. The birth of utopia: the Latin American context”/ “Problems of philosophy”, 2005, N 10; 9. Panayotova T. S. Utopia and myth in the Latin-American culture “ /Latin America. 2005, N5; 10. Panayotova T. S. Utopia and America: Fiction as experiment/ Latin America. M., 2006, N11


  • History of world culture
  • Utopia in the history of culture
  • Methods of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines
  • Cultural industries in the modern urbanized world
  • An Introduction to cultural studies (Spanish)
  • Culture of Spain and iberoamerica
  • Cultural studies
  • Cultural history of the XX-XXI centuries

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