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Tatiana Vasilievna Kashnikova 

+7(903) 434-16-32

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

Associate Professor

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The scientific work focuses on the study of the mechanism of localization of poverty in the context of stagnating, the competitiveness of small business in the conditions of global instability, the potential savings of small investors and mechanisms for its implementation in the context of stagnating.


  • Economy History
    On the basis of applying the historical-genetic, comparative-historical and systematic structural treatment of the development of different economic development models of Western countries and Russia from the economy ap-propriating type to modern economic structures, as well as the characteristics of their changes, the transformation laws of the movement, their relationship with all parties public life.
  • History of science
    The analysis of the major philosophical and methodological problems of science at the present stage of its development. There is an opportunity to get an idea of the trends in the historical development of science. Discipline is able to explore the economic concepts in the course of their origin, formation, rise and crisis. It gives an idea of the total internally differentiated structure of the history of economic science in the fields and schools.
  • The latest economic history and the history of economic thought.
    Discipline examines the latest trends of modern economic theory, form an idea of the most important achievements of modern economic science, deep-ening the conceptual understanding of the fundamentals-directions of research and economics sections. It creates the ability to use an analytical approach to the determination of the merits of the disadvantages of a particular economic theory.
  • History of Economic Thought
    It is aimed at analyzing the regularities of the emergence and development of economic science, providing for the study of conceptual currents and schools, as well as the formation of an integral picture of fundamental economic ideas and concepts that are in interrelation with the development of the economy and society.