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Tatiana Aleksandrovna Karasyova 

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Plant reproductive biology, rare and endangered plant species biology, plants in urboecosystems

Research projects:

Reproductiv biology of the protected species Salvia austriaca Jacq. (seed reproduction, floral biology, pollination)

Green infrastructute of city parks in southern Russia

Botany teaching high schoolers


  • Botany
    This discipline is designed to the students of 1st course of direction 06.03.01 - Biology. The general course of Botany consisting of three large sections: Algology and Mycology; Anatomy and Morphology of higher plants; Systematics of higher plants. The discipline involvs lectures and practical classes.
  • Plant Resourses
    The discipline considers the classification of plants of practical uses, their contemporary economic value, methods of their natural reserves asswssment and of resourse plant management. "Plant Resourses" discipline is designed to the students of 4th course of direction 06.03.01 - Biology.
  • Field training practis. Section "Botany"
    The aim of this practical discipline is to teach students the initial competences of plant material collecting, plant identification and description, plant collection preparing, analysis of data collected. The practice is realized in forms of field excurtions and desktop studies of data obtained. The practice is conducted at the and of 1st year of studying to the students of direction 06.03.01 - Biology.