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Tatiana Gennadievna Leshkevich 

+7(928) 229-17-41


Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

the problems of philosophy and methodology of science, including the modern synergetic paradigm of cognitive practice and the conceptual framework of postnonclassical science; the philosophical field of ontology, the specificity of human existence and consciousness, the problem of subjectivity, meaningful reflection.

Research projects:

Research projects T.G.Leshkevich: Analytical and synthetic as a subject of philosophical - methodological research (1985);
  "The phenomenon of uncertainty as the subject of philosophical-methodological and cultural studies" (1994);
Postnonclassical methodology: the evolution of the fundamental paradigms Philosophy (1996);

Rational and non-rational forms of knowledge (1998);
Philosophy of science: traditions and innovations (2001);
Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (2002);
Science and non-scientific forms of rationality (2003);
Methodology and Philosophy of Science (2004);
Fundamentals of the philosophy of science (2005);
Synergetics Potential. (2005);


About the new orientations  of philosophy in global era  (2008);

Man of the global crisis and the technological "postmodernity" (2009);
Postneklassika Russian context and the development of science (2009);
Before challenge of globalization (2010);
Globalization and glocalization (2011);
The problem of transformation of reality and paradoxes of creativity (2011);
The subject of the creative process (in the wake of the heritage of MK Petrova) (2012);

The problem of subjectivity in contemporary philosophy (2012);
 The socio-humanitarian knowledge and Posthuman Future (2013);
The philosophy of social and humanitarian knowledge converges with postneklassikoy (2013);
Post-human effects of technogenic development (2013);

Transformations of modern methodology (2013)


Trends subontologiya technoscience and sociocultural reality (2014);
Philosophy of mind at the crossroads of tradition (2014);
The problem of gender subjectivity parameterization (2014)
Philosophical and methodological understanding of virtual subontology (2015)
The problem of values in the context of the meaning of life reflection (2016);
The problem of choice: Aristotle's Arguments (2016);
Benefits and barriers Benefits and barriers of interdisciplinarity (2016) (2016);
Complexity science and practical philosophy (2016).

Innovative projects Prof. T.G. Leshkevich : Organization and carrying out of the Third Russian Congress of Philosophy "Rationalism and culture on the threshold of the III millennium". Rostov n / d, (2003);
The epistemological problems in the dissertation councils of Rostov State University (2006); The transformation of the elites and modernization processes in the South of Russia (2011) - Participation in the project CASE; The project philosophy of innovation: Paradoxes "inno-change" or reflections on the philosophy of innovation (2011); Philosophical Innovations and global problems of modern society (2012); Science in the making: the question of the methodology for the effective implementation of dissertation research (2012); Human. Freedom of Culture. Ogranizatsii conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of VE anniversary of his birth Davidovich. Rostov n / D (2012).; Philosophical problems of social policy, economic development: the realities of today. On the 100th anniversary of the birth AM Minasyan. Rostov n / D (2013).; Modern cognitive science and cognitive analytics in the context of philosophical innovation. Rostov-on-Don (2014); The Elites: the Problem of the Distribution of the Privileges (2014);Organization of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Philosophy of technology and challenges of modern civilization" dedicated to the memory of Professor I.A. Negodaeva. Rostov-na-Donu (2015); The organization of the symposium: civilizational paradigm and the problem of the meaning of life reflection in the framework of the VII Russian Congress of Philosophy. Ufa, (2015); Communication practices: dialogue with the philosophers of Kazakhstan in the framework of Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress. Almata, (2016)The organization of the First Congress of the South-Russian "philosophical schools, development strategies and challenges of the future." Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University, (2016).


  • Ontology and theory of knowledge

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