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Tatiana Anatolievna Stepanova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 20091

+7(863) 219-97-40

+7(863) 219-97-45


Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Scientifically-methodical bases of system of sports training, information technology in the preparation of specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sports

WebofScience - F-8588-2018

orcid - 0000-0002-3296-3608

РИНЦ AuthorID - 854293

РИНЦ SPIN - 8952-1479

Research projects:

Research of the legal framework, design program and support for the activities of mini-football children from 3 to 6 years

Сomprehensive scientific and methodological support for national teams


  • History, Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sport
    There are the questions of the theory and methodology of physical education; reveals its essence, the basic terms and concepts, which must be fluent in a professionally qualified specialist, sets out the principles, means and methods of physical education, basic theory and methodology of teaching motor actions, development of physical qualities; especially physical education of children of preschool and school-age students, the adult segment of the populationin our discipline.
  • Modern problems of science and education
    There are the problems related to the substantive issues of modern science and education, formed a clear picture of the status, current problems and prospects of development of modern pedagogy and the national education system in our discipline.