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Tatiana Aleksandrovna Podshibyakina 


Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Network analysis of political processes, modeling of political processes, political institutions and processes, political participation, maritime policycy

Membership in professional societies: Member of the Russian Political Science Association Member of Association of specialists in evaluation of programs and policies (ASOPP)

Research projects:

Podshibyakina TA Political Diffusion in multi-ethnic region Black Sea region in the context of globalization // Power. 2016. N10. from. 186-189.
Podshibyakina TA Using a network of statistical models in the practice of political analysis // Engineering Don Gazette 2016. N3.
Podshibyakina TA Diffusion policies: applied research direction of diffusion of innovation. Problems of interpretation and operationalization of interdisciplinary knowledge in the context of the application of modern philosophy. Monograph. -Rising-On-Don: Publishing. YURIU RANHiGS, 2016 - 448 p.
Podshibyakina TA Political mobilization technology: the ability to influence and development prospects. Smart Relay - 2015: Political Science Yearbook. - Vol. 1 / Ed. MS Konstantinov, RA Pupykina. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing. SFU, 2015. 113 s.S.36-39.
Podshibyakina TA Stakeholders in the local government system: the problem of participation. The problem of increasing the efficiency of local government in the conditions of modern reforms and political processes in Russia. Materials of scientific-practical conference with international participation, 07-08 April 2015, Rostov-on-Don, izd.YuRIU RANHiGS, 2015. - 832 pp 513-515.
Podshibyakina TA ... The model of participation of civil society in the governance process (On re-forming marine activities development strategy formation of civil society in Russia: strategy and management: a monograph / Ed LE Il'ichevo - Moscow: Analyst, 2015 - 400 from.
Podshibyakina TA, Abramenko AV The network structure of "Governance" as a way symmetric Politi-cal communication // Man. Community. Control. 2014. N4. S.75-88.
Podshibyakina TA Citizen participation in the field of maritime policy: Russia EU borrowing technology experience. Citizenship in the Russian and the European Union: collection of scientific articles / edited. IB Kuznetsov-howl, OI Donetsk, D. Schulz. -Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan University Press, 2014. - 304 p.
Podshibyakina TA Model networking policy actors in the process of formation of marine activities development strategy // Engineering Gazette Don. 2014. N3
Podshibyakina TA Global network systems co-management of the ocean and the southern region: geopo-political risks and the balance of interests. Strategic planning in a multi-ethnic maroregione in terms of uneven development and growth of tension: Materials of All-Russian Scientific Conference-ence (Rostov-on-Don, October 3-4, 2013) / Ed. Ed. Acad. GG Matishov. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of SSC RAS, 2013. - 320 p.
Podshibyakina TA The participation of civil society in the formation and implementation of sectoral policies. State and civil society in Russia: new practices of interaction: Collective monograph. - Volgograd: Volgograd Scientific Publishing House, 2013. - 780 p.
Podshibyakina T.A MARINE POLICY AS A FACTOR OF RUSSIA AND EU COUNTRIES INTEGRATION. European Science and Technology [Text]: materials of the IV international research and practice conference, Vol. II, Munich, April 10th -11th, 2013 / publishing office Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg - Munich - Germany, 2013 - 790 p.
Podshibyakina TA Political analysis of networking subjects of "co-management" in the field of maritime activities. The state, business and society: theory and Russian realities. Edited by prof. LE Il'ichevo - M., Analyst, 2012 - 328 p.
Podshibyakina TA Formation of professional competence of graduates: sociological sub-turn. Philosophical Innovations and interdisciplinary problems of modern education. Collection of scientific papers. - Rostov n / d, 2012. - 400 p.
Podshibyakina TA Political science. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015. - 126 p.


  • Introduction to Political Science
    Discipline involves the study of the basic theories, concepts, paradigms, methodological approaches of modern political science; familiarity with the subject, object, methods, categories of political science, history of its formation. The purpose of discipline - introduction to the field of professional knowledge.
  • Introduction to the project activity
    Discipline in various aspects deepens the idea of the application areas of application of theoretical knowledge of the political forms of presentation of the project activities, skills and project management skills. It lays the theoretical foundation for the design of writing, term papers, final qualifying work. The purpose of the discipline: an application and technology to prepare students for the practice of political design.
  • Political Analysis and Forecasting
    Discipline has applied character. Generates ideas about methodology, techniques, methods, methods of political analysis and political forecasting skills. It involves the development of political processes of modeling techniques with the help of computer technology and the construction of scenarios of development of the political situation. The purpose of the discipline: an application and technology to prepare students for the practice of political consulting, support of electoral campaigns and the implementation of political projects.
  • Political sociology
    Discipline lays the theoretical and methodological bases of the sociological approach to the study of politics, highlights the specificity of adaptation of sociological methods in the study of the political sphere. The purpose of discipline - to form the skills and methods of using the skills and techniques of sociological analysis in the field of election campaigns, electoral behavior, interaction between government and civil society. history of sociological research methods.
  • Monitoring of public opinion
    Discipline examines the basic laws, theories and concepts of public opinion formation, forms the representation on technology research and monitoring skills of monitoring measurements. The aim - preparation for the applied research of public opinion problems
  • The tactics of electoral campaigns
    Discipline has applied nature and technology studies the organization and conduct of election campaigns, tactics and methods of information support of elections. The goal - to prepare students for the practice of political consulting.
  • Normative technology policy
    Discipline has applied character, highlights the problem of the use of electoral technologies in political practice, laws and tendencies of development of the electoral system of the Russian Federation. The goal - to prepare students for the practice of participation in election campaigns. The electoral system and electoral law. The electoral system in Russia: stages of development.