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Sergei Vasilevich Semergei 

+7(908) 176-19-39

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The system of Autonomous power supply, small power, electrical generators, control system, generators, information technology in education, modern teaching AIDS.

Research projects:

RF patent N 2103800. Dial-up synchronous generator stable frequency/Kolesnikov N. To., Rudenko N. In. Sazhnev M. V., S. V. Semergey - 1998.
RF patent N 2150711. The control device short circuit in the armature winding and inductor synchronous machine/yepremyan, A. V., Rudenko N. In. Semergey, S. V. et - 2000.
RF patent N 2310972. Dial-up synchronous generator with extreme management-sinusoidal voltage/Semergey S. V., yepremyan V. A., Alekseenko V. A., Tikhonov G. V. 2007.
"Introduction in educational process of system managed self-study on the example of the master's program "Informatics in education" in the direction of training 050100 "Pedagogical education" on the development Program FGOUVPO "southern Federal University", the event 1.3. "The development of students' independent work on the basis of integration of scientific activity and educational process" (decision of the competition Committee from 15 March 2011, minutes No. 12), the contract N15-16/35 from 01.07.2011.


  • Information technology in vehicle systems
    1.The total complexity is 5 ZET. 2. The place of discipline in the structure of educational programs: Discipline is included in the humanitarian, social, economic cycle. To explore this discipline needed knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in school courses of mathematics and computer science. The study of the discipline allows students to build basic skills in independent work on computer, use of information technologies and to apply them in the study of virtually all subsequent subjects, such as "fundamentals of logistics and technical services", "Production logistics", "fundamentals of research in their professional activities", "Designing logistics and technical systems" etc. 3. The purpose of discipline: formation of skills of effective use of modern computer and telecommunication means and technologies in vehicle systems, the logistics service.
  • Cutting: metal cutting machines and tools
    1. The total complexity is 5 ZET. 2. The place of discipline in the structure of educational программы6 Discipline is included in the humanitarian, social, economic cycle. For the development of the discipline, students use the knowledge and skills formed in the process of studying of disciplines: "Mathematics", "Physics" dovuzovskogo education, as well as "Fundamentals of engineering graphics", "materials processing Technology", included in the master educational program. 3. The purpose of discipline: formation at students knowledge of the processes of cutting materials, advanced tool materials, design and operation of the cutting tool, the composition and device of the most common machines and the types of work performed on them.
  • Information technology in technological education
    1.The total complexity is 5 ZET. 2. The place of discipline in the structure of educational programs: Discipline is included in the humanitarian, social, economic cycle. To explore this discipline needed knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in school courses of mathematics and computer science. The study of the discipline allows students to build basic skills in the use of information technologies and to apply them in the study of subsequent disciplines of the educational program. 3. The purpose of discipline: formation of skills of effective use of modern computer and telecommunication means and technologies in their professional activities.