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Svetlana Vasilevna Ilyasova 


Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Word formation, neology, mass communication, advertising communication. 

Language of the media, the language of the Internet, the language of advertising: word formation and word-making


  • Linguistic methods of studying modern Russian word formation
    Discipline is included in the curriculum of undergraduates studying under the program "Russian as a Foreign Language". The purpose of studying the discipline is to expand and deepen the students' knowledge of the system of modern Russian word-building.
  • Fundamentals of functional grammar
    Discipline is included in the curriculum of undergraduates studying the program "Russian as a foreign language." The purpose of the discipline is to deepen the students' knowledge about the functions of language units and the patterns of functioning of these units with their surroundings in the utterance and the whole text.
  • Language and style of contemporary Russian media
    The purpose of the discipline is the formation in foreign learners of pragmastilistic skills of working with texts of mass-media communication.
  • Russian as a foreign language
    Teaching Russian as a foreign language is the basic component of the training of foreigners in a Russian university. Discipline is studied at the initial, intermediate, advanced and final stages of training, provides for the formation and development of the language personality of students. At the initial and intermediate stages of preparation, Russian as a foreign language is the main subject. RCTs are studied by full-cycle students, trainees and graduate students, students of Russian language courses (in a group and individually).