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Stanislav Alekseevich Trufanov 


Marketing and Communications Office

Associate Professor

Captains Business School

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

— Lean Startup and Customer Development

— Planning and forecasting, business planning, business analitics

— Online business management and Internet-marketing

— The competency-based approach in personnel management and competitive-management

— Conflict management and negotiations

— Aspects of public speaking and presentations

— Professional orientation management based on psychological typing

Research projects:

Development of the business project using "The Walt Disney's Method" and modeling of working process


  • Management consulting
    The discipline "Management consulting" consists of 3 sections: "The essence and content of consulting", “Consulting firms (consultant) search and selection", "Organizing of business relationships between client and consultant". The management consulting issues from the perspective of both an employer (customer) and a consulting firm (contractor) are explored In the course. During the study: the process of counseling is modeled, role-playing business games are performed, cases are solved, analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise with the subsequent development of recommendations are performed. Students demonstrate the results in the form of a project presentation.
  • Modern methods of management
    The discipline includes modern concepts and techniques of organizational business model management, the analysis of functions and business processes as well as their classification. Apects of the theory and practice of planning and forecasting development of business processes are explored, metrics of their effectiveness are calculated. In the modern methods of management are explored: information technologies in management of a modern company, online business management, change management, personnel management, conflict management, competitiveness management, organizational controlling system, time management, and key performance indicators. Role-playing business games are performed, cases on the development of managerial knowledge and skills are solved, and also a business project is fulfilled in a special workbook.
  • Business planning and forecasting in logistics
    The discipline includes calculative and expert forecasting methods, including different models of forecasting. Distinctions of the plan of the forecast and their interrelation are identified. Much attention is paid to the practice of analyzing trends and seasonality. The multivariate analysis is performed. Issues related to the planning of stocks, the number of necessary vehicles and personnel involved in logistics are discussed. The basics of preparing a business plan for different periods are learned. Analytical case studies, business games in planning and forecasting are performed.
  • Management technology
    The discipline of "Technology management" implies the study of issues related to management at various levels: self-management, personnel management and enterprise management. Real approaches to the solution of management problems in business are discussed. Different tasks, case studies, business games aimed on the development of managerial competences are performed.
  • Management of business competitiveness
    This discipline is developed to stimulate students to create theoretical ideas of development tendencies, techniques and imperatives management of business competitiveness, practical skills of process management and personnel potential, development of competences in context of a competitiveness in the market, schemes and models of internal and external assessment of competitiveness of firm and also to promote mastering modern advanced techniques of increase in competitiveness of business of the different size at various stages of its lifecycle in the conditions of dynamically changing external environment. The discipline includes the advanced tools and approaches from world and Russian practice: ; HADI cycles ; Agile-management and scrum-approach in management ; Customer Development and Customer Validation ; Unit-economy ; Concept of "Lean Management"
  • Information technologies in management
    Within discipline theoretical aspects and chronology of emergence of means of informatization of business, modern information and technological tools, software of optimization of team interaction, the database and their application in business, ERP systems in the organizations, practice of application of ERP systems in business, CRM systems in the organizations, practice of application of CRM systems in business, business development tools in Internet network, bases of information security of business, application of spreadsheets in business planning, application of spreadsheets for calculation of "unit-economy" of business, modern software of creation of the presentations and also modern blockchain technologies and tendencies of their development are studied.
  • Effective business communication
    This discipline is developed to create theoretical ideas of management of collective, schemes and models of team building at students, and also to promote mastering practice of interaction with the team allowing to make competently management decisions, to plan, to organize, control, motivate, delegate and to analyze work of employees.
  • Self-management
    This discipline is designed to give students the skills and knowledge to manage their own time and tasks at the strategic, tactical and operational level. In theory and in practice, modern methods and tools of self-management and time management are used in multitasking.
  • Business process and project management
    Within the discipline features of project management with application of Lean and Customer Development techniques are studied. In theory and in practice, the planning, construction and analysis of business processes.
  • Management accounting and analysis
    As part of the discipline studied the basics of management accounting and a detailed analysis of key and basic indicators of the company, the organization of analytical, reporting process in the company.
  • Corporate governance
    This discipline is designed to give students the skills, abilities and knowledge in the field of General corporate governance, the basics of practical planning, organization, motivation, coordination and control in the company.
  • Team building
    Within the discipline modules are: 1) Training "team-building and emancipation" 2) Training "Networking, presentation and self-presentation in a new team" 3) Trainings "Negotiations in the team, conflict resolution and criticism" 4) the Training "Self-management and organization of activities for team building"