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Sergey Ivanovich Rodzin 


Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Sergey Rodzin's research interests include computational intelligence with applications for optimization, data mining, fault-tolerant systems design, and software development.

Author of more than 300 works, including 20 author's and collective monographs, 25 articles indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus databases (

Main publications 2016-2020;

1. Rodzin, S., Rodzina, O., Rodzina, L. (2020). Bio-inspired Collaborative and Content Filtering Method for Online Recommendation Assistant Systems // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1225 AISC, P. 110-119. DOI:

2. El-Khatib, S., Skobtsov, Y., Rodzin, S. (2020). Improved Particle Swarm Medical Image Segmentation Algorithm for Decision Making // Studies in Computational Intelligence 868, P. 437-442. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32258-8_51.

3. El-Khatib, S., Skobtsov, Y., Rodzin, S., Potryasaev, S. (2020). Comparison of Hybrid ACO-k-Means Algorithm and Graph Cut for MRI Images Segmentation // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1225 AISC, P. 73-80. DOI:

4. Rodzin, S., Rodzina, L. Rodzina, O., (2020). Proc. of the International Russian Automation Conf. (Sept. 6-12, 2020, Sochi). Publ. IEEE. P.595-599. 10.1109/RusAutoCon49822.2020.9208113

5. Rodzin, S.I., et. al. (2020). Recommendation Assistant System for Social Networks and Search Services Based on Population Filtering Algorithm // Proc. Int. Scientific Conf. on Philosophy of Education, Law and Science in the Era of Globalization (PELSEG 2020). P.291-295. DOI:

6. Rodzin, S.I., Rodzina, O.N. (2020). Making forecasts in recommender systems using machine learning based on a population algorithm // Vestnik komp'yuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologiy. N 1. Р. 48-56. DOI: 10.14489/vkit.2020.01. P.48-56. (in russian)

7. Artyukhova, A.S., Rodzin, S.I. (2019). Study of influence of test case parameters on test suite optimality in order to automate the information systems design process // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1333(7),072002. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1333/7/072002 (Q3)

8. Bova, V., Kravchenko, Yu., Rodzin, S., Kuliev, E. (2019). Hybrid method for prediction of users' information behavior in the Internet based on bioinspired search // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1333(3),032008. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1333/3/032008 (Q3)

9. El-Khatib, S.A., Skobtsov, Y.A., Rodzin, S.I. (2019). Theoretical and experimental evaluation of hybrid ACO-k-means image segmentation algorithm for MRI images using drift-analysis // Procedia Computer Science 150, P. 324-332. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19810-7_31

10. El-Khatib, S., Skobtsov, Y., Rodzin, S., Zelentsov, V. (2019). Hyper-heuristical particle swarm method for MR images segmentation // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 764, P. 256-264.

11. Bozhenyuk, A., El-Khatib, S., Kacprzyk, J., Knyazeva, M., Rodzin, S. (2019). Hybrid ant fuzzy algorithm for MRI images segmentation // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 11509 LNAI, P. 127-137. (Q2)

12. Rodzin, S.I., Skobtsov, Yu.A., El-Khatib, S.A. (2019). Bioheuristics: theory of algorithms and applications: monograph. Cheboksary: Publishing House "Sreda". 224 P. DOI 10.31483/a-54. (in russian)

13. Rodzin, S.I., Rodzina, O.N. (2019). Comparison of software implementations of evolutionary computations for multidimensional optimization problems // Programmnaya inzheneriya. v. 10. N 11-12. Р. 451-456. DOI: 10.17587/prin.10.451-456. (in russian)

14. Rodzin, S.I. (2018). Resource-saving scheduling in the electric power industry: a heuristic optimization algorithm // Vestnik Chuvashskogo universiteta. N 1. pp. 169-175. (in russian)

15. Rodzin, S., Rodzina, O., Rodzina, L. (2017). Neuro evolution: Problems, algorithms, and experiments // Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2016 - Conference Proceedings 7991745. DOI: 10.1109/ICAICT.2016.7991745

16. Rodzin, S.I., Kureichik, V.V. (2017). Theoretical issues and modern problems of the development of cognitive bioinspired optimization algorithms (review) // Kibernetika i programmirovaniye. N3. - pp.51-79. DOI: 10.25136/2306-4196.2017.3.18659. URL: (in russian)

17. Rodzin, S., Rodzina, O. (2016). Metaheuristics memes and biogeography for trans computational combinatorial optimization problems // Proceedings of the 2016 6th International Conference - Cloud System and Big Data Engineering, Confluence 2016 7508037, P. 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/CONFLUENCE.2016.7508037. WOS:000389314400001

18. Rodzin, S.I., El-Khatib, S.A. (2016). Optimization of parameters of bioinspired hypereuristics in the problem of image segmentation // Kibernetika i programmirovaniye. N 5. - P.89-102. DOI: 10.7256/2306-4196.2016.5.18507. (in russian)

19. Rodzin, S.I., Rodzina, O.N. (2016). Effectiveness evaluation of memetics and biogeography algorithms using benchmark and trans computational tasks of combinatorial optimization // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 450, P. 463-473. DOI: 10.1109/CONFLUENCE.2016.7508037.

Основные публикации на Google Scholar

Research projects:

Experience in managing and participating in research projects:

1. Grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 11-01-07006-d "Publication of the monograph" Theory of evolutionary computation" (2011-2012, head ).

2. Grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 11-07-00094-a "Theory of evolution and granular computing for the construction of information systems based on knowledge" (2011-2012, head).

3. Grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 13-07-00204-a, "Study of the mechanisms of mutual integration of machine learning and evolutionary computation" (2013-2015, head).

4. Grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 16-07-00336-a "Development of the theory and application of metaheuristic models, methods and algorithms for transcomputational problem of optimal decision making" (2016-2018, head);

5. Grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 10-01-00058-a "Connectionist model of the formation of temporal knowledge in databases intelligent dynamic decision support systems" (2010-2012, a key performer);

6. Grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 13-01-00475-a "Principles and mechanism of the joint application of evolutionary computing and teaching methods by precedents and knowledge" (2013-2015, a key performer);

7. Grant Russian Foundation for Basic Research No 15-07-00185-a "Methods and space-time process control algorithms for intelligent geographic information based on fuzzy temporal graph systems" (2015-2017, a key performer);

8. Project No 8.823.014/K in the design of the public tasks in the field of scientific activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Development of the theory and basic principles of evolutionary computation to support optimal decision making in the design of multi-purpose smart systems" (2014-2016, a key performer);

9. Grant Russian Research Foundation No 14-11-00242 "Development of the theory bioinspired search and processing of domain-specific knowledge in the design of intelligent information systems" (2014-2016, a key performer).



  • <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Теория принятия решений </font> </font>
    <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Задачи принятия решений, принятие решений в антагонистических и конфликтных ситуациях, статистический подход к принятию решений, измерение при принятии решений, функции предпочтения и функции полезности, оценка рисков в условиях нечеткой исходной информации, оптимальное по Парето решение, методы эксперта обработки информации, экспертные системы поддержки принятия решений. </font> </font>
  • <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Системы искусственного интеллекта </font> </font>
    <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Тест Тьюринга, свойства знания. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Модели представлений. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Метод, алгоритм оперативного вывода в логике высказываний, предикат 1-го порядка. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Правдоподобные методы вывода. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Эвристическое программирование. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Суждения и рассуждения. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Инженерия технологических знаний. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Гипертекст, многоагентные системы и онтологические. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Системы и методы распознавания образов, интеллектуального анализа данных. </font> <font style = "vertical-align: inherit;"> Передовые интеллектуальные системы и технологии. </font> </font>