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Svetlana Anatolievna Pisanka 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Social policy, the level and quality of life of the population, the economy of social security and social insurance, the pension system, social indicators, social-labor and social-insurance relations, inancial literacy, financial behavior, financial well-being

Research projects:

Financial literacy, financial behavior and financial well-being of the adult population

Pension systems and pension reforms

Financial health of staff


  • Project activity module
    Mastering the discipline is aimed at developing students' theoretical orientation in the field of practical use of the project method for solving organizational problems. The content of the discipline, structured by topics: Module 1. Introduction to project activities (Theoretical and conceptual foundations of project activities. Stages of development and implementation of the project.); Module 2. Academic literacy (Writing in 3D: models for assembly. Title and annotation of the project. Mechanics of the language of scientific text. Full text of the research project.); Module 3. Preparation and implementation of the project.
  • Recruiting and adaptation of personnel
    The purpose of mastering the discipline is the acquisition of knowledge and skills in planning, search and methods of meeting the needs for the selection of personnel for the organization, the formation of general cultural and professional competencies necessary for the implementation of personnel management. The content of the discipline, structured by topic: Module 1. Introduction to recruiting. Getting started on the project (Recruiting: definition and key concepts. Recruiting technology: main stages and their characteristics. Promotion of recruiting service Removing a request for recruiting. Search for candidates. Promotion of vacancies); Module 2. Selection of candidates. Communication in the recruiting process (Analysis of the resume. Conducting telephone and personal interviews. Personal brand of the recruiter, networking. Communication with the candidate and the client); Module 3. Personnel adaptation.
  • Financial literacy and personal finance management
    The goals of mastering the discipline are aimed at developing a set of knowledge and skills in students to make informed and responsible decisions in the field of personal finance. The content of the discipline, structured by topics: Module 1. Principles of financial management (Microeconomic foundations of financial literacy. Macroeconomic foundations of financial literacy. State policy in the social sphere and its impact on personal finance management.); Module 2. Methods of managing personal finances (Life cycle of an individual: stages, specificity of tasks. Rights and responsibilities at stages of an individual's life cycle. Protection of consumer rights. Formation of a personal budget. Expenses and inflation. Formation of a personal budget. Income and types of income. Role and aspects application of the method of financial planning in the formation of a personal budget.); Module 3. Personal finance management tools (Calculations, payments, transfers. Savings. Loans and loans. Stock markets. Currency. Insurance. Pensions: types of pensions, mechanisms and effects of the formation and exercise of rights).
  • Personnel well-being management
    The objectives of mastering the discipline are aimed at developing students 'theoretical orientation in the field of practical use of the theory of well-being to ensure the implementation of individual and organizational goals, knowledge in the field of financial and welfare management, risks of changing social status, and are also aimed at developing students' skills in using methods of diagnosing subjective well-being personnel, development of well-being programs focused on improving the quality of life of personnel and their productivity, meeting new social expectations of personnel.
  • Financial literacy
    The goals of mastering the discipline are to develop students' modern financial and economic thinking and economic culture, deepening knowledge about the financial system and financial relations; formation of skills, abilities and behavioral models necessary for making successful financial decisions to achieve financial well-being. Tasks: studying the foundations of the formation of financial relations in the modern economy; study of models of effective behavior in the financial services market; developing skills for effective personal finance management; developing skills for making an informed choice of financial services; consideration of the features of the individual's interaction with financial institutions; analysis of the fundamentals of protecting the rights of consumers of financial services, pension provision and socially responsible behavior of financial market participants.
  • Economics of Labor and Human Resources
    As part of the discipline, students study the theory of the labor market, aspects of the functioning of social and labor relations, features and trends in the development of the modern labor market, pricing models for different structures of the labor market, models of wage formation, the modern system of remuneration, labor mobility and labor migration of the population, the essence of , causes and measurement of unemployment, etc.