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Svetlana Nikolaevna Frondzey 

Associate Professor

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Phenomenology of the family, individual and family psychological counselling.Research interests: phenomenology of the family, individual and family psychological counselling.


  • "Psychology"
    The course focuses on the problems of general and educational psychology: an introduction to General psychology. It also contains the psychology of cognitive processes and personality psychology and the psychology of learning, learning activities, education.
  • "Communicative technique"
    The course contains the main approaches to the definition "communication," milestones of the origin and development of communication. It includes the study of different styles, types, means, models and structural components of communication; the specificities and peculiarities of communication in various spheres of social life; modern psychological theories of communication and practical-applied aspects of these theories.
  • "The Psychology of social work"
    The course focuses on the psychological basis of social work methodology. It contains methods and techniques of individual and group forms of psychological and social work, as well as the peculiarities of preventive and rehabilitative psychosocial work.
  • "Personal and professional growth training"
    The course focuses on labour and professional relations of people, individual characteristics of the employee, characteristics of professional activity.
  • "The psychology of business and interpersonal communications"
    The course contains issues related to the effectiveness of professional communication, the formation of constructive interpersonal relationships with other people in different spheres of social life and in the modern multicultural society.